No wonder they switched, the AD promotion is fantastic. I get a full banner ad for the New York Times right above an article that references how shitty the New York Times is. That’s Synergy, baby!
No wonder they switched, the AD promotion is fantastic. I get a full banner ad for the New York Times right above an article that references how shitty the New York Times is. That’s Synergy, baby!
What’s next, an Opinion piece about how great Kinja is, or is that going to far?
That picture is not from Star Wars, it is from a different movie where he plays a Union General.
You trying to make me cry?
Character who plays obvious stoner rebuffs stoners theory.
That movie popped into my head as soon as I hit submit.
Oooh, maybe a rebooted superhero sequel!
Considering movies make more money in China, I think the real issue is Summer Movies seem to be over the whole Americans thing.
This movie would go good with Aleetera Cola.
Season 7, the Kinjaing of Game of Thrones.
Do studios release their least-promising fare during the final days of August because audiences tend to stay away during that calendar window?
I thought all the produce at Walmart was that realistic fake fruit that was display only.
Actually, it sucks exactly that hard.
Well, at least he outlived the AV Club.
This will appeal to the consumers who smoke weed for its robust taste, not for its THC content.
Ferrell was compelled to do this movie after NBC accidentally re released Bitch Hunter.
How are you still pending?
That kid is going to get such a beating when they get home.