
Tis is accurate.

I was raped by an incel three and a half years ago. It was savage and brutal. I feel like these people are truly dangerous with their misogynistic rage. It runs soul deep. I got to observe that in person, much to my misfortune.

How did Robyn know I need her right now? Body Talk was the anthem of the last powerful romance I had. I just reconnected with him. It’s like fate.

I’m 40 and chubby and I am drowning in dick.

This perfectly sums up my feelings on Bjork over the years.

Your penis is obviously small. Women laugh at you.

I am stricken to the core by this.

Thank you.

My 12 old gay daughter instinctively knows to be careful in our rural community. I’m sad for her.

Wow. That made my day.

Happened in my rape case.

Jesus Christ, girl

Been there!

I guess it would be trauma-induced psychosis, from which I suffer. I spent a whole year doing flamingly crazy things.


My mom, sister and I are going. I’ll be the one holding a sign that says “Rape Survivor, Trump Denier.”

My boyfriend is from Arkansas and he will vote for Hilary...oh wait. He has a twenty year old felony so he can’t help us. :( Just think if felons could vote.

Women can be sociopaths. Not all are members of our sisterhood.

Coast on welfare. Really.

My four year old daughter puts transformers in her doll carriage and calls them her babies. She has actual baby dolls.