
I work hospice. I am a hedonist. These two things are related. It drives me wild when people deprive themselves of pleasure because NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO OR DON’T DO...shit happens. Cancer can happen to you and you and you and cancer is a bitch that gives little to no fucks about your lifestyle.

As a person who has suicidal impulses YES. It’s actually quite the chore to effectively kill oneself and creepily I qualify for an expedited conceal carry permit

My boyfriend was raped repeatedly by his stepfather but he was just supposed to keep his mouth shut and take a man. This is a conversation that needs to happen.

My boyfriend was raped as a child. I nearly didn’t survive my rape. I’m glad people are talking about it. I refuse to shut up about what happened to me but his shame as being a male practically paralyzing.

So I should just give up then? Huh. Third for me, second for him. But we’re totes doomed so...


The legal system seems especially designed to cause further trauma. It’s a real hoot. Thanks for your well-wishes. They’re appreciated.

I have an advocate who works for the DA but I am dealing with a crime that happened in a very rural county where you can hit a person with a coffee mug and go directly to jail but if rape comes into the equation...they have a budget to work with. Not a single person has been questioned and it’s been two months. They

Also I said “PLEASE STOP” a whole lot. Wish that really mattered. For everyone.

*solemn fist bump*

Oh wow I’m so glad I passed her test for being a “real” rape victim. Maybe I’d only get a C+ though because I was drunk and it was a friend of mine. He did beat the hell out of me, so that counts. BTW the DA wants to settle for simple assault and not even push for a sex crime despite my injuries. Because welcome to


My heart bleeds for her. With glee. Lolololol.

The Southern Poverty Law Center is amazing. That’s one of my top choices when I have spare change.

You’re reading comments about a slutwalk. The whole reason they exist is rape. Real rape. Really real real rape. If my words caused you pain, that makes me sad, but they were well within the context of the post. If I post something to say, my Facebook, I do give fair warning, because I respect your right to avoid

Amazingly he is not in custody. The DA is dragging his feet. The police department I’m dealing with is small and rural. I have witnesses, I have photographs, I have all the things. He lawyered up immediately and has yet to submit to questioning. The DA told me this could take a loooong time. I don’t really get how you

I am a month and a half out from an extremely violent rape perpetrated by a friend. I went to a wedding. I got tipsy. I asked to go home. I was bitten, beaten, raped and burnt instead. I’m 37. I wasn’t doing anything crazy to “earn” what happened. I can’t wait for a slut walk in my area. I’ll wear the long dress and

I started squirting after my third pregnancy. Totally unanticipated. And frankly, it makes a mess. I appreciate the orgasms but not the extra laundry.