
That reminds me of how I would never let my buddy with terrible taste in movies pick the flicks for our movie nights until I got busy and dispatched him to Blockbuster to get something decent. He came back with 'Firebirds', so I got in the car and returned it immediately. He was perma-banned from picking movies after

I think Hoffs acting stumbled because her agents never knew what she wanted so they could never give it to her.

Steve Vai's guitar solo was iconic - how could you not love that film?!?

I enjoyed Maddona in "A League of Their Own" other than the part where she had to cry about going back to 'taxi dances' - they needed a few more takes for her to nail that one. The other two films were perfect showcases for her abilities, esp. DSS, which was essentially Madonna playing Borderline-era Madonna.

Isaak had an odd little cameo in That Thing You Do, and if he hadn't been so good in his brief roles in all those films, he probably wouldn't have been able to make The Chris Issak Show on Showtime. Yoakam did outstanding work as Doyle Hargreaves in Sling Blade.

Bilson and Real World girl are pretty hot in The Last Kiss, so it had that going for it.

Singles will always be loved by me for the scene where Debbie and her roommate "Pamela" break up over bicycle guy Peter Horton.

"She left me on a Saturday for Julian, the boy from church who plays in a music band. Mama said every girl has to see what's out there in the great beyond, but I always thought the coffee house was far enough for me to go."

Summer is pretty much a wreck of a person, which she owns for the most part. Tom is even more of a wreck, which he does not own for most of the movie. I think we've all been each of them in relationships, object of unearned affection and assigner of unearned traits onto someone we need to rationalize our attraction to.

Crash - no contest.

Man, that Didi Conn could belt a tune!

I like it as the inspiration for this year's Oscar fiasco, in which La La La Land, a low-budget indie about a world inspired by Christmas carols got nominated instead of the Damien Chazelle flick.

Buddy of mine convinced me to see Zapped because he's seen Heather's goodies. When I finally saw the scene, my years of HBO and Showtime viewing had taught me well that it was a full body double moment, and I wanted to kill my buddy for making me sit through that piece of garbage.

Beyond The Titanic Adventure

There are certain performances that make it hard to see an actor in anything else without reliving the trauma of the horrifying one. MTM as Beth in Ordinary People is one, and Aaron Eckhardt in In The Company of Men is another. Two decades later, and his voices just chills me to the bone when I think of the final

Thank you - please keep reminding me of My Bodyguard and Ordinary People to help me from remembering who 2017 era Adam Baldwin is.

Thank you for reminding me of the horror that was 6 Weeks. Now I have to go back to therapy.

LOL - I don't know - I love Rob but he's still a big a-hole in the movie, no more evident than when after Penny burns him in the diner after he asks why she dumped him, he becomes ecstatic when he realizes he had been that dumped her back in the day. A selfish, real guy who comes super close to cheating on Laura with

I'm sure the connection between the two is totally coincidental, just like Avatar and Dances with Wolves.

WTF? I swear to God - I had no idea that was the case. Guy deserves a bone for a long career of solid, sometimes amazing career. I loved him in Ordinary People, too - in some ways, he had to be the audience surrogate amid the louder drama of his wife and son.