
You are confusing A Night To Remember with the 1953 Titanic. The former is a 1958 British production that you can find on The Criterion Collection; the latter is the Stanwyck/Clifton Webb/Robert Wagner vehicle.

"To Serve Apes" - it's a cookbook!

I took her jumping into Gatwood as a way of doing something untainted by her guilt over Mesa Verde and what she did to Chuck. I think this is the wakeup call to get out of dodge and start over (I hear Omaha is nice for that kind of thing). That might also have to do with her realization that Jimmy hosed his clients

No, it cost Richard $2,000 not to give the patent troll $20,000. In this scenario, paying $0 did not exist. The options were a) pay the troll $20,000; b) don't pay him while others settle and have to pay more (as in the $300,000 revised figure); or c) set up the legal arrangement with the other companies to fight the

It was Michael Floorwax's finest moment

Rebecca Sealfon! I'll never think of the word 'E-U-O-N-Y-M' the same way again.

Why buy that when you can have this for the same price here in the SF Bay Area? Living the dream!

It's hard to can a Partner at a Big 4 firm, since they have equity stakes. It's not impossible, but it would have taken an ultimatum from the Academy to make it happen; exiling Cullinan and Ruiz back to the audit room is punishment enough (but I would check for Clemenza in the back seat of their car when they get in).

I like the non-hit songs on "Freeze Frame" - really enjoyed "Piss On The Wall" and have a soft spot for "Angel In Blue"

LOL - I'm not heated at all - you must be reading my tone all wrong. All I was saying is that she wasn't only hired because she was good looking and dating Rushdie but someone who had a little more food cred (unlike Katie Lee -Joel). Otherwise, I find her to be imperious, dismissive and disrespectful to a lot of

Katie Lee - no doubt - how in God's name did anyone think she was camera ready - but like Candice, it was Season 1 when they were still trying to figure out the show, and at least they cut their losses with Joel after that (and though we've had a few attractive contestants since then, nobody has been as unqualified as

It's Top Chef, not Top Cook. When it comes to the finale or things like Restaurant Wars, your ability to explain a dish to your staff and have them execute it is what makes the difference. This is why Kristen fell on her sword back in Seattle when Josie is the one who mucked up her dish. Had the Octopus not been

I'm far from a Padma fan (gorgeous but imperious doesn't really work for me), but she was a major improvement over Katie Lee -Joel, who was one of the biggest voids of personality I've ever seen on TV (that Top Chef Masters hostess Kelly Choi was pretty bad, though). Padma had also hosted a number of cooking and

I heard it was coming and I warned my wife to grab tissues (she cries in every episode so I didn't think it would spoil anything). She didn't make it 2 minutes into the episode without tears rolling down her face, and I don't think they stopped until the episode was over. I've teared up in numerous episodes, too, but

Thank God - i was on the verge of getting addicted to these things

That is absolutely the drunkest I've ever seen the judges on the show - god, to see the outtakes of this one!

I grew up in the SCV. Things are finally changing on the culinary side of things, but until the last decade, the local guest chef who revolutionized cuisine in my hometown would be the guy who withheld the Chili's spice on their fries.

This list is clearly invalid due to the absence of the epic thriller "Playgirl Killer" aka "Decoy For Terror", featuring young, hot and sooo sexy Neil Sedaka as 'Bob', singing the much neglected dance craze tune "The Waterbug". I am still perplexed how he didn't become the biggest star of the 60s after this.

Or From Carrie To Taylor; Underwood would probably have spent her small fortune rounding up every extant copy of that film at this point.

I have an odd hetero man-crush on Ralph Fiennes too. There should be a book to explain such attractions; ah, would it were so simple. It's complicated, I guess.