
Oh man, great for so many reasons, one of which was getting a really beautiful on-screen performance out of Eva LaGalienne. The final scene of that film just gutted me, too. Grew up with a huge crush on Burstyn, and I don't think I ever lost it.

Maybe it's used in too many weddings or that so many terrible versions have been recorded, but the Canon in D has a complex, Baroque structure that when arranged properly can be staggering in its beauty. The layers upon top of layers, esp. when instruments of the actual era are used, are one of the key reasons for its

This is a potent and emotionally staggering film. It may not have the showy performance by DeNiro or Scorsese's great directorial flourishes, but if you ask me which film affected me on a more deep, emotional level, Ordinary People is the film. I grew up hating 'Beth' immensely and as I got older, I began to empathize

I just watched three of the old 90 minute 1975 episodes of the Tonight Show - nobody remembers how truly great the 90 minute format was for Carson. In one episode, Bob Hope and Dean Martin were on, and Martin was so sloshed that I thought they were gonna have to cart him off the set. Carson was a genius of the format,