
See any discussion involving medicare for all. There will be the host alongside 2 Republicans and a neutral reporter.

No, Blacks beach in La Jolla.

Doing nothing tonight as well. All day at the beach for a contest and have to be back tomorrow at 7 am for the first heat of the morning. Not a big fan of waking up before 6 am, but it’s to surf, so life could be worse.

He’s Italian. They’ve been considered white since the end of WWII.

She really is that tone deaf, isn’t she? Let’s put aside the fact that she helped unleash this monster in the first place for ratings. Now she gets to sit on her millions and lecture the poors about winning the right way, like a deluded Cardinals fan - while the nation and its inhabitants are in peril. She and

Doap facial hair, Terrence.

There are shows that deal with alternate timelines, but they are confined to a what if scenario that is worse than our current reality: The Man in the High Castle and Confederate. How about a show that deals with the scenario, what if Sherman had razed the south? Finished the job, so to speak. The battle cry alone

If I recall correctly, Scott Walker pulled the same maneuver in Wisconsin. He used the high speed rail as a campaign issue to deepen the rural vs. city divide and to motivate those in the more rural areas of the state. Sadly, it worked - the rural base was motivated and they turned out for him.

Of course they will, because they can’t run on policy. Remember the 2014 midterms? Ebola and isis were coming across the border to infect and terrorize your women and children, under the direct orders of Barack Hussein Obama. It worked, the rubes were galvanized and the Democrats got smoked.

War crimes? That’s just pragmatic foreign policy, and if you question it, I dare say you’re not a pragmatic pragmatist.

Coitus paralysis.

I’m sorry, but word of the Democrats bargaining must make McConnell break out in uncontrollable laughter. Recently confirming 15 judicial nominees just so they could go home was one hell of a bargain. Schumer, you Machiavellian bastard!

Regardless of the situation, we should always push back against Trump’s bullshit. Be the party of credibility. Be the party of facts.

Still team Perry, huh?

I can see how Schumer as majority leader and Pelosi as speaker doesn’t exactly inspire, but at this point it’s either vote or watch the Republicans destroy what’s left of the democratic process in this country.

It’s okay Chris, you’ll always have Africa.

Gunning for the Maverick mantle.

Everything is a conspiracy, except when the information is favorable. This deluded approach to reality is not only subscribed to by the president’s loyalists but by the man himself. Pretty frightening.

I always thought “boofing” was when you couldn’t hold your breath long enough to clear the bowl and the exhale shot bong water everywhere.

I’ve heard the age argument that centrists have been positing as potentially disqualifying (can’t use misogynistic and color blind attacks against her), but the comparison to Hillary is a new one. How are they any way alike, with the exception of being the same sex?