
The Daily Beast reported recently that there’s going to be a mix-up in the primetime slots. Wallace might get bumped up to replace Matthews, but could easily be replacing Lawrence.

Love the Hallmark Channel. Not because of its content, but how easy it made shopping for my mom this Christmas. Cheeky Hallmark Christmas sweater and socks, check. Bottle of wine to top it off from the BevMo near the Hallmark store, check. Add a card and success achieved. 

Wait, so K-pop stars along with idols in Japan are not allowed to date and such relationships are used against them by ex-boyfriends and management. This blackmail isn’t outright endorsed but is effectively the status quo because “fans” would like to continue to believe they have a chance at fucking said stars/idols?

I haven’t been around much, but is everything just completely falling apart around here? Seems like such a goddamn shame, I really enjoyed reading Jezebel, Splinter, and Deadspin when I had the chance. I wasn’t a daily commentator by any means but I’m going to miss this place. I was late to Gawker, but its last couple

I just want to point out that the well in the photo above (The Ring) is on Cal State Channel Islands campus. It’s one of the most haunted colleges in America due to the campus being repurposed from an old mental institution. It’s said that the mental institution in question was the muse for The Eagles’ Hotel

Or the “why won’t she just say your taxes are going to go up” fit the media is throwing at the moment. Why yes, thank you “liberal media” for constantly framing the Medicare-for-all question in Republican terms. And when she responds in a thoughtful manner regarding how the cost for average Americans will go down, the

They need to be represented in pretend war crimes! If my plastic figurine doesn’t have hips and tits then it really takes the immersive aspect out of the pretend slaughter of civilians.

What an extremely normal thing to have to do, good thing our society isn’t diseased and depraved. This is also why we need to elect Biden, he can speak to these economically anxious folks who are just good people deep down, y’all.

According to Claire’s infinite wisdom, it was a great night for Amy and Joe. Who could have possibly predicted this outcome, great job MSNBC.

Their management has been a complete and utter disaster. Some of the best writers leave immediately, kinja is broken beyond repair, and they nix the only politics vertical in a constitutional crisis without notice or comment. Cool.

I see Hamno is already doing freelance work for The Guardian:

In loo of solid evidence, I’d start by following the tp trail.

Holy shit, she just blew up her whole damn game. Was a grand an hour from a rapey cavern troll worth destroying your entire grift?

Texas Republicans seem to be doing everything in their power to turn the state blue. It’s incredibly strange. Thoughts and prayers, assholes.

A lot of shit is extremely fucked up. Take the Senate for instance. Any legislation coming out of the House is dead on arrival in the Senate because of Republican control, which is pretty fucked up. I’m not saying you’ll win against Cornyn, but you sure as shit have a much better chance at taking his seat than the

So the attorney’s explanation is that a teenager in police custody had all the power in the relationship with her two arresting officers. While handcuffed she forced them to take a bribe, which led to them fucking her in a police van and dumping her on the side of the road. And out of all this behavior, it was the

Wait, what? Inslee is one of the most progressive governors in this country and Hickenlooper is running for Senate. Inslee has actual convictions and policies that he’s implemented to back those convictions up. He was never annoying in the race and he continually raised good points about the climate crisis. He’s

She’s currently in talks to become the teenage outreach director for the Trump 2020 campaign. “The president has been really impressed with her work over the years and feels this is a good fit.” - Kellyanne Conway, probably.

Also, spearfishing my ass. There’s no way in hell this goofy asshole has the timing and hand-eye coordination to operate a Hawaiian sling successfully. Best case scenario is that he got lucky with a speargun and worst case (the most likely) is that a guide speared the fish for him.

I mean, he was on Real Time on Friday still toeing the party line for the most part, while offering platitudes to placate the moderates and the audience. This turn around seems rather abrupt, but I’m not sure how this can be construed as something not worthy of our approval. We need more public Republicans to come