
Didn't expect Kyrie to go full Bartleby with the "I'd prefer not to."

Kamala Harris giving everyone a preview of how she would put a full court press on Trump in debates on EVERY question. Not a bad strategy. 

Could be Paul and Ringo

Families: a unit of people that consists only of “bad hombres,” apparently. 

Look, it’s been a long 2.5 years for journalists, and they’ll take any excuse to have a party.

Not to immediately go off on my own conspiracy theory, but kinda makes you wonder how QAnon was spun up. More Russia? 

Remember: the best people. 

I think too many sub groups have gotten too much control over me through the government,” Benson told the station.”

He’s not wrong. Thanks to the sub groups and their control of government, this poor man can’t even get an abortion in his home state!

I’m a white male. Moved to Myrtle I. 2001, I was in 9th grade. Left, FINALLY, in 2017. Myrtle is a city that thinks it’s Miami Beach, when really it’s just crime, meth heads, and old people. It’s a trash city, with mostly trash people, and nothing gets better because it’s a “good old boys” club for anyone in a

My brother and I used to watch this all the time because it was always on cable, and it was frankly hilarious (plus kids rule! Yeah, trick those stupid adults! We were like, 5 and 9 when it came out).

I haven’t seen it in forever because I was worried it was held up by nostalgia and revisiting it would ruin the magic,

Somebody wants to go in the grinder....

SHAPIRO: Well, I mean, “All men are created equal” did not, was never intended to mean just men.

Agreed ^

He’s just adjusting to gravity, obviously. And oxygen. He’s high, and he’s uncoordinated. 

0 chance of it being faked!

(I do find the timing of the disappearance weird. It’s like, MAYBE a millisecond before the clip ends, if even? So maybe it’s just looping back to restart and isn’t actually the end, especially since the image itself is static? Not to say it couldn’t be faked, it easily can, but still, just

Is it ok if these experiences involve me as the child in question? 

Yeah, I saw this when it blew up on Twitter. It just looks like a kid with underwear on his head? 

Just Guy? He HAS a last name!

This oddly intrigues me. Now I kind of want this.