Bruce Wayne

I did not read about how hard The Revenant was to make before I saw it and I loved it without needing the story behind the film to enhance it. You are a reductive little child every time you bring up The Revenant.

The Revenant was a damn good movie too.

I'll be safer when I'm dead.

I liked this film. It was cine en su máxima expresión, as my abuela used to say. I wonder if Eggers will strike lightning again or if well made paganist cinema will at a minimum simply guarantee him a devoted niche following of fans into that sort of thing. I hope he maintains keeping the language in his films

Yeah well the jerk store called and they're running outta you!


Today marks a year since our tour guide through these cosmos (sorry) Harris Wittels left us. It was good to have a place like The A.V. Club to recoup after the loss of one of the great friends to comedy fans and podcasts listeners everywhere in these circles. It sucks to think of Harris and think of what could have

I did not change my argument. Both of those things are related.

Does it really need to be 24 gigs?

That's funny because in my experience the people with the most boring tastes in music are those who say things like, "does this song even have words?" because Coltrane it isn't good enough that Coltrane is performing at the peak of his powers and better than anyone before or after him. If you're defending lyricism as

Enjoy your rt's

The person writing compositions should have something to say because the real trick to compelling music is life is breathed into the instruments to say more than language allows us. If the lyricism in a song is viewed as more compelling than the instruments and sounds you are hearing, then that is suspect.

Still tasty :)

ughhhhhh i talk like a preteen who just discovered twitterrr IM DEAD #WalrusKingSoWhite

I am young now and it still sucks.

Allow me to remind you that she is the lofi precious hipster music community's Meghan Trainor.

Hey guys she's singing about ramen! <3 That's so me!

I am. Her music is overrated dogshit that young publications are giving glowing stats too because it's supposed to be some monolithic tome of insight into the way this generation thinks. The lyrics are nothing special either. And come to think of it, Bob Dylan wrote a lot of corny shit too. Songwriters are the most

ugh wow ugh she killed ughhhh wow this is how i speak rn.

There is absolutely nothing special or useful about her music if you listened to PJ Harvey in the 90s.