Bruce Wayne

Hello @dickachu! I come to you witih a problem posting on The Avclub After Dark part of the community boards. It started when I tried to post in… about Rutger Hauer in The Hitcher. It is one of my favorite 80s horror movies. When I try to upload the image I get a message "
We are unable to

Oscar Selfie is my least favorite Oscar memory.

Because at its base just about every issue in this nation is directly correlated with issues of class and economics. Never before has such a mainstream politician been so direct about that correlation. The ball is in capitalism run amok's court, so to speak.

I just pulled up the definition: "printed or visual material containing the explicit description of display of sexual organs or activity."

The Oscars themselves are a debutante held so for a few days we can
argue and debate and make publicity for the industry plutocrats.
Watching this party is playing right into their game. I'd rather watch

Batman endorses Bernie Sanders?!

The "they're all bad" thing really pisses me off because those are the ones who in my experience are close enough to the left but are either scared of that socialist word or are just not keeping up with the political climate or world affairs because personal life or work. I mean it's not their fault but it does make

Took the words out of my mouth.

Add Tobi Vail to the list of brilliant and actually rebellious artists who #FeelTheBern. Especially after today with the blacklivesmatter protester revealing the true face of Hilary's apathy for the lives of the marginalized or
struggling class in this nation,

Quite the racist as well.

Step Brothers is great. Tom McCarthy directed great films before The Cobbler.

Yeah I don't know nothin' about that.

Moon didn't get no Academy nominations.

I can stop your heart.

A controversial but possibly fitting entry would have been Al Pacino's character in Cruising. Does Gus Fring count or are we still denying he and his partner were lovers?

I thought you could call refer to Mexico as a nation of Spanish culture. Therefore I referred to him as a Spanish filmmaker. I edited the comment to now say hispanic. There was nothing racist about my usage in intent and even then it is still pushing it to say using Spanish in place of Hispanic is me being racist. I

If I were your brother I would have punched you for being that guy. I really wish you were my brother because I was a single child and most days were lonely. My mom worked most of the time. The house was an empty place. My best companion was pop culture. Now I'm here.

I am most in majesty,
in whom no beginning may be and no end.