Bruce Wayne

I like the part where she's like the milennial Bob Dylan. She accurately describes our mileu. I like how lo-fi with a scrappy guitar and messy vocals it sounds and it's so cool to be defiant but also describe life as boring. It's so relateable. I like how her lyrics always say more than necessary and are usually more

Following your logic Homer would probably be the biggest bullshitter in the whole of the Western canon with all of his "pointless" sidetracking.

Pointless how? In that they didn't add to the revenge portion of the journey Hugh takes? Those were events that occurred during the journey that didn't necessarily have to make an impact on the main objective. Not every piece in the tapestry life is going to correspond with the other.

The name's Bruce.

Did you see the shots? The immersive visual language and the sound design that was guided along by Ryuichi Sakamato's brilliant score? It is far unlike many other films in its category. It is as much an outlier as an A.V. Club favorite like Fury Road. One thing that seems to irk people is that it slips into metaphor

The pattern I'm noticing with people who seem to have real problems with this film is pettiness.

Damn that Hugh Glass for living such a cliche mauled by a bear lifestyle. Why couldn't his life be more like the average internet commenter contributing to the backlash of polarizing films?

So should every film be a simple plot delivery device? In that case every classic novel ever written is outshined by the cliffnotes giving you the most bare bones key to the plot and themes of those novels. The way those stories are written and the feelings their visual language are meaningless because they aren't

Some art is meant to heighten the feeling that a quiet life in servitude to the act of feeding oneself and paying the bills to continue a cycle of a miserable existence where magic doesn't exist and the imagination should be stilted so as to not wish for too much in this banal life of ours. Some art means to be poetic

Pretentious is a meaningless word that translates to "I hate artists who are too sincere and purposeful with their work".

You just.. exist.

They're the plebeian film students whose eyes roll out of their sockets when their films aren't referencing older films or being slick and cartoonish dialogue written by a Tarantino type figure. They believe a film's sole purpose is to be a pulpy crowd pleasing easy to digest blockbuster with just enough gravitas that

It's anticlimatic? The film wasn't trying to be Star Wars. Saying those scenes added nothing to the film is like saying the verses in The Raven that don't specifically touch on a Raven shouldn't be there. And it "doesn't have a story"? It doesn't have to have monologues and various levels of political intrigue and

"The Revenant is a pretentious fraud!"

This was a poetically told film that contrary to much of the backlash is not an element Alejandro should have dropped in order to tell a more straightforward tale of survival under harsh conditions. It was a meditation within survival. I think it is sad that people cry against a film for not being formalist enough. It