Bruce the funny dog

Orthorexia is an eating disorder where you’re obsessed with the purity of your food and parents definitely impose it on their children. And Orthorexics are often recovering anorexics.

This woman needs serious psychiatric help. Don’t think jail time is going to be of much use for a woman who inflicts her own disorders on her kids.

I’m just glad that someone finally called Sean Hannity.

And you know they will say everyone is too sensitive and you “can’t joke anymore”. I just want to get violent.

I have not disabled this reminder yet and I don’t see a reason to.

The rest is just gravy.

Well, the biggest obvious answer is in the speakers. Sure, I can look up a song on my phone, but if I want to play some mood music while hosting people at my house, I can’t use my phone for that. A Google Home device, on the other hand, is basically a smart audio system. Why buy separate internet-connected speakers

The racial makeup of Portlandia misses the entire basis of the jokes. They’re not lampooning US culture or even Portland culture. They’re lampooning a certain segment of Portland culture and its overwhelmingly white.... largely white, upper middle class, educated, liberal culture that engages in wholesale

Sounds like they did a bit of gentrifying themselves, but of course they aren’t like those other white people who move into Black and Hispanic neighborhoods. *wink wink nudge nudge*

Thanks for finding this. I can see why the show took it down. I respect the owners’ intent in putting it up, but it’s so large that in the context of a sketch it would play as a joke. Wouldn’t be a good look for any comedy show, let alone one as white as Portlandia.

“Historically black neighborhood” aka black people lived here once, before we pushed them out.

“We have black lives matter written in our window”

You’d think that Grand Nagus Zek’s stance on legalizing Hupyrian beetle snuff would have gotten a nod from Johnson.

Gold, Jerry. Gold.

“My roommate started a fight with me over fruit-storage techniques.”

making pots of coffee with caffeinated water

This is just like the Lewis Black joke about “if it wasn’t for my horse, I wouldn’t have spent that year in college”. Trying to figure out anything that makes this make sense is going to drive me insane.

....he was constantly on the phone with his girlfriend, Lennay Kekua...

I mean, that’s basically how the Council of Nicaea happened.