Cuz, like, they’re not real people, amirite?!
Cuz, like, they’re not real people, amirite?!
Also in case you were wondering:
How about we not hope that people have been abused, just to take people you dislike down a peg or two?
Does it not? Both the av club article and Fader’s paints Fantano as a closeted alt-righter just waiting for the next opportunity to show his true colors, and boy, will I be surprised if that proves to be true.
“because YouTube refused to monetize its content anymore, suggesting that, for all his efforts to energize and connect with that brand of followers, there was no point to it if he wasn’t getting paid.”
“Anyone who says a bunch of vile shit and tries to play it off as satire or shitposting can go straight to hell.”
that’s such a controlling thing to say. like abusive-boyfriend-level controlling.
Go watch his reviews of DAMN., and To Pimp a Butterfly. It should be pretty clear that Fantano is nowhere near the alt-right. He’s pretty clearly just fucking around. I think he’s the kind of person who’s more interested in the art than the artist, which is why he can fawn over problematic figures. At most, he’s a…
If you’re going to say something stupid, at least watch one of his videos before. The man is a Bernie style progressive liberal who has recently posted videos explaining his reluctance to say the n-word, even though he has a huge rap following that “is cool” if he used the word. Even then, the video isn’t about people…
The whole point of satire is that, without context, it appears to be the real thing. Speaking of, this Fader article is lacking entirely in context. Do you propose that sarcasm be banned to avoid this type of confusion entirely, or will you continue to take hitpieces like this at face value?
Wow, this is hilarious. A hitpiece based off of another hitpiece intended only to get clicks and ad revenue. As if it wasn’t completely obvious given the authors giant reach of an argument taking footage from a satirical channel, they assume that because a meme uses the n-word in it that to be white and laugh at it is…
fantano had three channels - theneedledrop, which is, of course, his review channel; fantano, where he discusses topics relevant to the music world; and this third channel which i (and i assumed everyone else) viewed as a satirical send-up of internet meme culture.
Yea, I hated his Thatistheplan stuff and his centralist stances are definitely not something I stand by, but the Fader article came pretty clear with an agenda and most of it was either reaches or just straight up taking things out of context. And Hughes seems to have never heard of Fantano before and is so ready to…
Screw this article. Screw the Fader article.
I’ve been following Fantano for years. While he does flirt too much with some shitty people, I really doubt he himself is alt-right at all. His ‘meme channel’ rarely reflects his actual views. He talks about politics often on Twitter; he hates Trump, supports Bernie, and advocates for universal healthcare, higher…
Sorry but you got it all wrong this time. Seems like someone really couldn’t handle an album review of their favorite artist.
Really reaching for the low-hanging fruit here...
This is bad kinja.
That article was a farce, and anyone who actually looked at the channel in question will know it. They basically took a bunch of out-of-context quotes and published them as earnest endorsements, as is the popular method of journalism today, either not realizing or not caring that the entire thing was satire. Yes,…
What a load of hokum. Thatistheplan was unfunny, to be sure, but the notion that Fantano is some sort of crypto-fascist provocateur is preposterous. I think the goal here was to frighten or outrage people who don’t know him, because anyone who has even a passing familiarity with Fantano will see right through this…
Wooow this is just... so detached from actuality.
Yyyeaahhh, Fantano isn’t alt-right.