Bruce the funny dog

Many people are saying Trump is probably addicted to uppers. Educated people, great people. You tell me.

God I love the internet.

I picked a hell of a week to debate Hillary Clinton.

On the issue of cybersecurity all he talked about were the admirals and generals supporting him, 400-pound hackers, and his 10-year-old son being good at computers.

I thought he was literally going to make Lester get Sean on the horn while America waited.

Somewhere Bill Belichick just became urgently aroused, and he doesn’t know why.

“One of the priorities we have for our young men is that we desire for them to have proper understanding of, honor, and respect for women”

That’s really not helping their case.

If this is what your religion teaches / preaches, your religion sucks.

Title Nein

In addition to turning off the bodycam and then claiming that it didn’t work or that they forgot to turn it on, police appear to be trained to shout “Drop the gun!” repeatedly, regardless of whether the suspect has a gun.

I assumed that was a silencer so the other fish wouldn’t hear him coming and he could keep his killstreak up.

The immutable characteristic thing is really problematic, because so much of the racial discrimination present today isn’t based *directly* on skin color, but rather on stereotypes associated with racial groups. There is some precedent that recognizes this (too lazy to pull out citations right now), but the fact that

The only reasonable take away is that Junior has a Google Alert set-up for Ashley Feinberg.

That is why we need to make America great again.

When will NFL owners get a fair shake? First you expect them to spend some of their own money to build their stadiums ... now you expect them to refund money that was paid for a service they never intended to provide? This isn’t the America I know.

Jill Stein is in no way qualified to be President. I know plenty of well-educated doctors with admirable moral compasses who have been slightly involved with very local politics, and they aren’t qualified to be President either.

You’re acting like people don’t have legitimate critiques of Stein. Anyone who thinks they are compromising their political ideology if they vote for Hillary Clinton but is fine with voting for Stein, despite her repeated panderings to the pseudo-science folks (most notably anti-vaxxers) is kidding themselves.