Bruce the funny dog

You can’t spell special without ACL

What did Garfield ever do to you???

same BMI too.

Trump’s face always resembles Garfield after he’s just broken a lamp and eaten an entire pan of lasagna.

That’s true, but that’s why punching upward works and punching down doesn’t.

so sick, breh!

[phone falls apart]

Honestly, the very least surprising thing ever about the Donald Trump for president campaign is the fact that he’s an unapologetic cleavage starer.

LOL on cross-breeding foods. I guess I shouldn’t bother with my baked apple and cheddar potstickers because it’ll make my ancestors turn in their graves for “messing” with traditional Chinese/East Asian cuisine. Or any thought of doing the same with tomatoes and mozzarella, then drizzled with balsamic.


“Judge Wants At Least 37 Non-Political Pieces of Flair Per Attorney, 11 of Which Must Support the Iggles”

Not pictured: Don Mattingly’s sideburns

Mattingly for the last time, get rid of those sideburns!

And Steve Sax still hasn’t gotten in because of his run-in with the law

It’s good he didn’t return to quaffing Brain & Nerve Tonic or that hat would never have fit.

You suck

The Australians are simply used to their toilet water draining the opposite way down the walls.

Sorry, but I disagree. Staging your house/apartment is absolutely essential if possible.

What do you define as big city amenities? Having just moved to KC (Waldo area) from Houston (Heights area), there are not many things that seem to be missing, and the ones that are missing did not greatly increase quality of life for me. For example, these were things that Houston had that KC doesn’t.

Have you been to Kansas City? I have lived in NY and LA and much prefer KC. There are very few things the coasts provide that I can't get here. In many respects city amenities are much better in KC. Sure I have to fly to NY to see Broadway shows, but I also make as much as I did when living in NY and only pay $1200