A real-life Malachi Constant
A real-life Malachi Constant
*Citation needed
Good to know, I will have to look in that! Also worth looking in to the reason ice dams are forming in the first place. For me it was an attic insulation issue, they’re far less of a problem now that I have even insulation throughout my attic.
The response is pretty dumb, but can we also agree that ripping down a fan’s flag (or stealing it like he did to the green bay fans) is still kind of a dick move?
These tools are always neat, but the fact that they don’t take into account local taxes and mill rates makes them largely useless. Looking at CT the “break even” date is based on an average mortgage payment of $800, which is probably true, but in most towns you will pay almost that much monthly in taxes on a house…
Agree completely. An electrician quoted me $30 per outlet to upgrade the house. Watched some youtube videos and did them all myself for $50. Anyone can do it.
Charging money for your product when multiple competitors offer the same service for free= genius business strategy
Oh, god, it’s “Lost” all over again
They aren’t even in the same division
“How much to fix this leak in my roof”
“Well, between $75 and $15,000”
“Who do I make the check out to?”
Near us there are two Indian restaurants across the street from one another. Both are listed on grubhub, but sometimes if you order from place A, Place B delivers your food (with a place B menu and a place A receipt attached) and vice versa.
I’ve also had the 3rd party delivery drivers show up, that actually concerns…
And this company is called...?
Kind of a dead horse, but I can’t get over the no split screen thing. It’s It’s a deal-breaker for me. Halo is supposed to be social game.
I have Hue bulbs in by bedroom, some of the apps allow you to schedule wake-up times similar to this. Aside from the clock and alarm sound does this do anything some hue bulbs couldn’t?
I have Hue bulbs in by bedroom, some of the apps allow you to schedule wake-up times similar to this. Aside from the…
Welp, time to find a new service provider.
UCONN has their own police force and it took them almost 8 minutes to respond?
Not so funny story: I had a similar situation where a coworker would not help and insisted on praying instead. Of course, we were working as EMTs at the time, which made it all the more inappropriate...
I was very dissapointed in my first generation Nest Protect, lots of false alarms (usually when literally nothing was happening, just sitting in the room watching TV). 2 of them had to be replaced by Nest under warantee (with 2nd gen models). Much happier with the 2nd gen, but they need to do a straight recall of the…
Reading this in William Shatner’s voice and it’s even better