
E24s should have BBS gold basket weaves.” Yuk!

This is a good deal for someone, but without the manual I’ll pass personally. Baja at one time was a cool place and I have been there a 100 times, but no more. Too many shoot  outs for us.

I’m an old desert racer. The #1 rule for off-road vehicles is KISS. Keep it simple, stupid. 

My last 3 cars have had iDrive and it has become very natural to use. I don’t need or want a touch screen.

This really isn’t a “travel” trailer and it’s more of a park trailer. Sure people towed them around in the 1950's behind big ass Oldsmobiles or Chryslers. But, they didn’t do it much and towing back then behind a sedan was a challenge. Brakes were shitty and this thing weighed 6,000+ pounds and is 35 feet long! It’s

Why not? $3,500 is like pocket change now days.

I’m going to pass. It’s a re-spray and the total lack of details scares me away. ND

Nice job, I guess. Why would I want this? ND

Sure for $3,500 it is a clean body to build a little ET bracket car out of. I’m surprised it is still original NP

This was very poorly written and edited. Time to let the writer go, I think.

30 years ago I loved driving my 928s. I hated working on it though. This car is such a hot mess I would never want it. ND

I’m all in. Why would anyone say no to something like this? OK, I know it is in Florida and the people down there tend to have shit for brains. 

If it checks out, NP. But, only if it has been kept up as this could easily become a money pit.

I’m all in for $2,000. NP

No fucking way.

What the hell is wrong with you folks voting NP? You know nothing about RV’s I guess.

Nope. I don’t want a gas hog V-10 engine and this coach is too big anyway. The interior trim is ugly. Maybe it’s “country” as in Country Star? ND

Not for me. I was on the fence until I saw the engine photo and the mileage. Too many miles for a car that may have had the shit beat out of it every day. ND

The other trick is you really have be patient and search relentlessly everyday and be ready to pounce.”  Words to live by.

I have never considered a Corvette, but this does look like a good deal for one. Too bad it’s  red. If it checks out, NP.