
(1) Undercover Brit double agent.

This is a terrible opinion. A soft drink without ice in it is third world country shit.

I just read up on this statute. It was pretty controversial when it passed, evidently. Pro Tip: don’t open someone else’s car door in Louisiana in anger. It’ll be the last thing you will do.

Dealing with a homicide in a social media-fueled universe has to be a nightmare for cops. Two minutes after the shot we have a tweet circulated through a million news sources that makes this shooting look like it was committed by the bad guy from some zero-subtlety tough guy movie. If that initial report turns out

Year - Winner

Also affecting his play? You guessed it: Frank Stallone.

If the lefty can’t hit in Yankee Stadium, the lefty can’t hit.

But my real passion is my hobby. I work with retardants.

This seems to be the easiest highlight to truther ever.

Jesus chose Trump to be president? I KNEW THE ELECTION WAS RIGGED!

I saw someone comment the other day “the surest sign that the Clintons don’t have any bodies on them is that Anthony Weiner is still alive.”

Now who’s laughing about building a wall?

I knew I remembered from my childhood that Red was D and Blue was R!

Tebow’s going to retire from baseball in 12 years and Deadspin will cheerfully proclaim “See, I told you Flutie was too short!”

“Although their venom is among, if not the most, potent in all snakes, bites on people are extremely rare, and usually occur when they’re accidentally hauled in by a fishing net.”

Closer to an electric football game than mannequin challenge.

Kendra seems a little unhinged. I wish she’d act a little stabler.

Enjoyable trend by teens? I’m getting the vapors.

I probably said all those same things too. “Nah, he won’t win the nomination.” “He’s going to fade any second now” “Hillary will win 45 states.” “... any second now. Any second.”

Longhorn rooting against Durant? I scrunch my face at you.