Bruce Job, Internet!

I got a little job down in Joe's Citadel
But some nights I don't go
Some nights I go to the drive-in, or some nights I stay home
I followed that dream just like those guys do up on the screen
And I drive the Interceptor down Route 9 through the dead ends and all the bad scenes
And when the wives were stolen, I cashed in a

Now don't you call James Bond or Secret Agent Man
Cause they can't do it, like I can
I'm a ninja, baby, I'm a ninja - every day
I'm a ninja, baby, I'm a ninja

Workin on the comments, makin' all the jokes pop
Workin on the comments, all day long I don't stop
Workin on the comments, blastin' through the upvotes
Workin on the comments, workin on the comments

Went down to see my VA man
He said "Son, I've got a news satire show to film in a minute, don't you understand?"

Hey girl, you wanna ride in Daddy's Cadillac?
'Cause I love the way your long hair falls down your back
Bruce Job, Internet!'s at the Seaside Bar
We'll run barefoot in the sand, listen to his comments

Hitchcock said he'd pull out
Hitchcock stayed in
A series of icy blondes had a baby
Wasn't any sin

Remember all the movies, Terry, we'd go see

I woke up last night shaking from a dream
For in that dream I died
My wife rolled over and told me
That my life would be immortalized
Not in some major motion picture
Or great american novel, you see
No, they're gonna make a tv movie out of me

On a rattlesnake speedway in Australia's desert
Max picks up his money and heads back into town

Tonight I'll be Lauryn Hill
Cuz I can't stop
I'll be Lauryn Hill
With everything that I've got

Then I got Mary pregnant 19 times
And man, that was all she wrote
And for my 19th birthday
I got a tv show and a wedding coat.

When I'm on Sesame Street, oh whoa-oh-oh-oh, I cluck the way I wanna cluck
When I'm on Sesame Street, oh-whoa-oh-oh-oh, I walk the way I wanna walk
When I'm on Sesame Street pretty girls all passing by
When I'm on Sesame Street they all think I'm pretty fly

In the day we sweat it out on the streets of a geek-made mash-up cinema dream
At night we ride through armies of zombies in suicide machines
Sprung from cages on Highway 9
Chrome-wheeled, fuel-injected
And steppin' out over the line
Baby these zombies rip the bones from your back
It's a death trap, it's a suicide rap

I look back for a moment and catch a comment
That blows this whole fucking place apart
I'm in love with the Bruce Springsteen lyric gimmick poster of the AV Club

I swear I'll dive all night just to find you a ring
And to taste your tender charms
And I just wanna sleep tonight again in your octopus arms

Screen door slams, Furiosa's dress waves

There's something about a pretty girl on a sweet summer night
That gets this boy excited
The shuffle algorithm finally understands and plays you something you can move to
You lay back, cut loose your drive power
Your girl leans over and says, "Daddy, can you turn that Spotify app up any louder?

Hey little gimmick commenter with them blue jeans on
Wanna comment with you honey til half past dawn

Where the road is dark and the seed is sowed
Where the gun is cocked and the bullet's cold
Where the miles are marked in the blood and gold
I'll meet you further on up Fury Road