
The author forgot to mention ESD - a pretty important consideration.  A stray discharge from your finger, even one you can’t feel, can be enough to completely destroy the video card, the computer, or both.  You can mitigate this somewhat by always having part of your arm or hand in constant contact with the metal case

We get it.  You don’t like Trump.  A lot of us do.  So what if he appoints a third justice?  Our country has survived left shifts and right shifts throughout its history.  It is yet another check and balance so things doing swing too far one way or another.  8 long years of Obama left shift, which some of us despise

A liberal activist tried to convince us that the polls had closed for the day, when people that she profiled as more like her were clearly in line to cast ballots.  We didn’t fall for it.

I remember that Android commercial from a few years ago, where they did a spoof of Apple introducing “darts” as a new feature. You could now play darts on the phone.  Then the presenter fumbles the phone.  These new features remind me more and more of darts.  New emojis.  woopie.  Group facetime, might use it once or

Yeah make gas $10 for poor people and see how they vote in the next election.  The rich can pay that much, poor people can’t.  Carbon tax is a thinly veiled politcal agenda.  Take it off the table, and then discussion can begin on REAL climate change strategy.  Like outlawing smoking, which worldwide puts out at least

If they continue to have higher prices than Walmart and Amazon, they will be bankrupt again.

Stopped updating when they dropped the headphone jack, so I don’t give a rodent’s posterior what they announce tomorrow.  6S plus is a fine phone - I have three of them - one is a clone of my primary phone (Anytrans does the cloning perfectly).  I let my 3 year old granddaughter use it - and she promptly learned how

The whole collusion thing is ridiculous anyway. Putin donated over a hundred million to the Clinton foundation to buy influence, money he probably dearly wishes he could get back right now. So the idea of him influencing the election for Trump when he backed the other candidate financially is ridiculous.  the whole

Good.  I knew I liked Amazon.  I must order something from them today

I don’t think we will be seeing those things on the Bering Sea any time soon.  It would capsize those hundred footers.

Nobody would care if she was a Democrat.

Eearily close to the May 2001 Arabian calendar showing planes flying towards the twin towers.  Our intelligence community missed that one, Canada should take this very seriously!

Magical?  Only in how offensive it is to anybody with morals, or is concerned about women’s issues like exploitation and trafficking.

Permit Patty, 75 years ago: “Hello, Gestapo?  I think there are Jews hiding next door”.

Bikes have a different acceleration profile, and different top speed than cars. They do not belong on city streets with cars.

They got a lot of guts re-making it. The original is perfect. I predict the remake will fall as flat as the remake of Ben Hur. What next - somebody going to re-make 2001 A Space Odyssey and goof it up?!

Sounds like a good strategy when dealing with an unpredictable, insane person like Kim Jong Un. How can you possibly prepare for a meeting someone unstable like that? Trump should go in there, flatter the heck out of him, compliment him for the overtures to SK and ending the long-standing war - and go from there. NK

Gutsy move by Trump. Kim could snatch him and hold him prisoner.

And - the new sanctions are already driving NC to the negotiating table. Petty dictators understand only one thing - strength - and now that we have a real man in office instead of a wimp-in-chief they want to talk. As for Ivanka diplomacy - sending a smokin’ hot blonde to negotiate isn’t a bad tactic -ever!

They went from wonder food to disgusting when they changed the oil and started undercooking them. Now they are greasy mush.