
Sorry - I still do not support the genocide against black babies in the abortion chambers founded by Margaret Sanger for the express purpose of limiting the black population because according to her they were inferior. After all - Black Lives Matter!

Given California’s tax, environmental, and political situation - smart move on his part. I hear that Katy TX is already working on a very attractive incentive package. There is a lot of open land that is very inexpensive along I-10 West of Houston - already having a lot of huge warehouses and manufacturing capability.

The Coronavirus is 120 nm in diameter.  An air molecule is 363 nm in diameter.  If you can breathe through it, you can become infected through it.  Face masks are stupidly ineffective against something so small.  Worse yet, the give a false sense of security.

If I get it, I will still go into work, because I haven’t “earned” enough sick time.  Companies should give you sick time with no questions asked if the country wants to stop the spread of this thing.  “You can use your vacation, paid time off, or unpaid time off” is unacceptable to almost all employees.  Go in to

What is NASCAR all about? Why don’t you ask the fans, who were united as a family in prayers for Ryan Newman after his horrific crash. A reminder to all that NASCAR is one of the few sports where there is a real possibility of death. Not just injury like football. Safety equipment improvements, improvements at the

NEVER do a clean installation!  It can take days to get all programs and settings back the way you want them.  Windows 10 has an option to keep programs and settings.  And I find that old programs that quite working in XP and 7 are now working again, as is some old hardware like parallel printers and scanners that I

A few months after 911, I was waiting to board a flight.  5 Middle Eastern men, travelling together, not speaking to anybody else, were waved onto the flight with no screening.  I was selected for more screening.  I have 6 ancestors who fought in the American Revolutionary War, and they didn’t fight for cr@p like

Iran can take the hokey a$$ dark age religion and cram it up their mohammed.  

Disney Channel actually did an intelligent movie about this conflict called Johnny Tsunami. The message of the movie? Snobbery is stupid, we should just all get along.

Windows 10 is Windows done right.  I had older laptops, retired over the years as new hardware got cheaper.  The local Frys had a sale on RAM and hard drives - I updated all to max out RAM - 4G DDR2 on older.  I updated all to 1T hard drives.  W10 was a free upgrade at the time - and all of my laptops ran like new! 

I was faced with a similar dilemma, having old family photos back to the dawn of photography, in one case a daguerreotype of an ancestor born in 1761 who lived into her 90's.  Also a lot of tin types.  The first and most important thing is to get a first rate flatbed scanner, and resign yourself to the reality that

Still no tabbed file explorer or clipboard cache.  So obvious they should have been part of Windows for a couple of decades by now.  Still using third party freeware to do them.

A top speed of 35 mph cannot track the action on the track at over 200 mph.  This also isn’t the first time NASCAR has used drones, they have been on previous races, but always fly over the grass by the track, never over the track for obvious safety reasons.

I have been over 50 times, and the magic doesn’t ever get old. You learn new tricks to enahance your experience, better ways to get around - when to go and when not to go, when to wait in line and when not to. There are Florida resident passes, and I can tell you the very best days to go to the parks are stormy and /

I have never read anything more ridiculous in my life. I know of two of those highways and the implications. First of all there is no 435 in Dallas,.it is 635. It is an absolutely crucial roadway, along with 183 providing one of four East West connections between Dallas and Ft. Worth. It recently underwent a major

That is one big pile of _____

Best umbrella is NONE. I am a lightning strike survivor. There are two types of victims - those of inductive strikes of which I am, and those who were very seriously injured. You wouldn’t think of raising a golf club in a thunderstorm, but you don’t think twice about raising a device with a metal superstructure.

Best umbrella is NONE. I am a lightning strike survivor. There are two types of victims - those of inductive strikes

SSD are not that much faster, and to install all the CAD and scientific software I use, it would fill them up fast.  The most common are a microscopic 256G - not nearly enough for a serious user.  About 4 years ago, a local shop ran a sale on 1T laptop drives.  I have a few old laptops - I upgraded them all.  They

Too bad he failed.  His followers forgot his teachings and rioted when he was killed.  Anybody here - seen my old friend Martin?

I am on Michael Oates’ side.  He is showing initiative in establishing his own business, the darn government should get out of the way so he can turn a profit and grow his business, employing people, and providing a service people obviously want.