It looks like a death trap. They might as well route exhaust into the interior, have an option for dark windows so you can be buried in it.
It looks like a death trap. They might as well route exhaust into the interior, have an option for dark windows so you can be buried in it.
Everybody knows you don’t put sugar in a gas tank.
My company used to pay EVERY medical expense with zero co-pay. Yep, pretty much the best benefit package EVER. The government came in and told them they couldn’t do that any more - the insurance plan didn’t meet Obamacare standards. So - our insurance is as bad as everybody else’s now. REPEAL this piece of garbage…
The most annoying is that do not disturb while driving mode. For those of us trying to use Waze to get around, it is an additional click to get into the darn phone. And what about first responders who rely on their phones to respond to emergencies? And what about passengers in the car? Thankfully there is a way to…
Osteen may not have opened his doors, but I didn’t see Black Lives Matter rescuing or helping a single black person either. I did see rednecks, police, and ordinary people placing their lives in jeopardy to rescue blacks. I guess BLM is just a bunch of hypocrites. Big surprise.
You have to understand the history of Houston to understand why so many people got flooded. First of all, there were very bad floods in what is now the downtown area of Houston 80 and 90 years ago. The Army Corps of Engineers made a system of reservoirs in what was then land way West of town. Fast forward to the…
The whole “totalling” system / salvage title system is a big rip-off, trying to force drivers into buying newer cars that require more insurance premiums. I was a victim of this scam - a perfectly repairable van was “totalled” - and not a month later I saw it being driven by a young mother with a child. Obviously…
How can Led Zeppelin 4 not make the list?
How can Led Zeppelin 4 not make the list?
Gap your darn spark plugs properly if you want to limit carbon emissions! Almost nobody, including auto repair shops, bothers to gap plugs.
If I ever had a reason for not ever wanting to live in that hell-hole, here is another good one.
The most laughable fake was Obama’s birth certificate!\. The idiot who faked it left the layers on as they edited in photoshop! If you are going to fake something, at least have the common sense to flatten all the layers to a merged image first. You could download that thing into photoshop with all the layers…
Time to install blast walls and put an end to the danger once and for all,
The juxtaposition of this article right after the $200,000 art destruction and the wanton desecration of the Pirates ride is just perfect. Slime eel is too good of a description of the art destroyer, or the people who insisted on changing the pirates ride to be politically correct.
I do NOT follow disgusting racists on social media. Or people so unpatriotic as to say “GD America”. Leave the country like you promised, Al Sharpton. It would be good riddance!
Erika Eleniak was tons hotter than Pam Anderson, and still looks great today!
Lets see if this qualifies. (1) worships the moon (2) their leader had several wives, married his last wife when she was 6, had sex with her when she was 9 (3) demands females have their genitals mutilated so they will be pure, generally suppresses centuries of progress made in women’s rights (4) rejects LGBT…
I don’t respect the male doctors I have gone to lately, because they don’t prescribe me antibiotic. I spread whatever I have far and wide to friends, people at work, and people I encounter through the day. Yes, I am aware of antibiotic resistant germs - but what good does it do for me to spread infection far and…
Great - just what we need - some moron going 217 mph on our freeways. The sooner we get to driverless cars coupled to traffic management systems, the better.
My 11 year old Toshiba laptop recently got 4G of RAM, up from 500M, A 1T hard drive, up from 40G, and Windows 10. Runs as fast as a new computer. All kinds of CAD and scientific programs that aren’t and never will be made in Mac versions. Should be good for another 11 years.
Lubbock got rid of theirs years ago. Traffic at the intersection of Avenues A, H, and Q has never been easier, or safer since the transition:,-101.840517,14.91z