We’re doomed as a species.
We’re doomed as a species.
Canada doesnt want any more Americans, we have enough imbeciles as it is.
These inbred halfwit losers were off the hook day one, it is uhmerika after all.
“You’re” welcome.
These people are your decision makers/leaders....bahahahaha! No wonder the USA is the way it is.
Taken alive, of course she was. Ohh America. Every state should be open carry, no license, no training, just like Texas! What an absolute fuck show disaster of a country.
Intermittent fasting, conscious eating with smart food choices (+ the odd cheat for sanitys sake) and very minimal workouts has worked just fine for my mesomorph body type. Im 47, toned, strong enough, and still at my teenage waist size of 31.
This game is disappointing crap sold through hype and glitz and riding Witcher’s coattails. Weak, pointless, vapid choices and tired mechanics using the same old boring half assed VG tropes. Its dog-shit with a decent coat of paint, a thin veneer of a game at best.
Sure but uhmerika wouldnt have much of a military left.
Will Joe be wearing his du-rag and have a spread of stereotypical black food favorites?
CEO: “Its a shitty buggy mess? Gee whiz, we had no idea whatsoever, sorry? Well, thanks I guess, for filling our coffers. Its bonus time so we really needed that influx of cash. We’ll get to picking away at patching it sometime down the road a ways”.
Nobody was shot? Shocking.
Obama aside it speaks volumes that Americans view politics as gospel second only to God. Fools blindly follow false “prophets”.
America, HaHa!!! Hes already won.
America, what a place!
Blackness apparently.
Both attempting the tango neck deep in sewage and failing.
Hes already gotten off. Some sympathetic racist judge will simply waggle their finger and exclaim “Dont do this again” and gently send these two abject losers back out into a society of abject losers....and america continues on in it’s slow and steady decline.
The American “gun talk”-> Once the kid can wrap 3/4 of the grip and/or they can shoulder the stock and reach the trigger, they’re 100% ‘gun ready’ and its finally time, and safe for them to unwrap their very first pistol/assault rifle their parents bought for them at birth.
Ah great stuff, I can see it all now... ‘Mericans can add getting shot over gas to the long list of “reasons” to shoot/kill someone.