

Man, entitled gamers strike again. Just because they *paid* for a *video game* they expect actual progress and updates towards that game being completed.  What entitled babies.

This is a grift right? This game will never come out correct?

I wish there was some third option here in which the scammer didn’t RECEIVE any money, but his idiot fans somehow still LOSE that money. Everybody sucks here.

Here I was hoping for the ultimate NFT restaurant, where you buy the rights to register ownership of that one piece of food on blockchain but do not actually get to see the food, smell the food, or even be in the same room with the food.

This.. is.. glorious.  I never even thought to outfit my marines like that.

Learn? Have heard of Herman Cain Awards?

The “seem” is really the giveaway in the article. As this (and the trophy quote) highlight - it’s not about whether the person reads or values books, it’s about whether they are willing to openly signal that they are One Of Us, part of the great intelligenstia who values books as a thing to spend money on and display.

“Guilt free” and “better than” just mean “more engineered crap.” Sugar and fat aren’t bad for you, and if you know your body and are accustomed to healthy moderation these products will taste like alien chum. The fact that diet culture is a culture proves just how ingrained it is into our society. There’s an

Texas seditionists and racists have been shooting guns on NYE since forever, just like idiots in every state in the Union. Night riders in overalls, polo shirts and uniforms have been using NYE, Devil’s Night, sports championships and local traditions to joyride settle scores and intimidate people by shooting and d

Never buy a gaming chair. They are all garbage.

Never buy a gaming chair. They are all garbage.

It’s foreign to you, your understanding of NFTs is minimal.

If you are trying to sell me on something it is on you to get that message out. Right nearly all the news is negative. But instead of trying to provide a positive spin you throw the now expected cryptobro tantrum and which is to look down your nose at everyone while yelling about how we just don’t understand.

As someone who is invested and understands NFTs

“As a very smart person who knows lots of things, let me tell you about how smart I am and how many things I know. I am very smart about things that you are not smart about, but no, I will not explain how the smart things I know are actually smart or useful, you’ll just have to trust me about how smart I am.”

NFT bro makes a bunch of positive assertions about NFTs but provides no actual evidence to backup the assertions (other than the fact that blockchain games are slow and nothing new).  Sounds about right.

Man... I miss Harriot, but I do NOT fucks with Twitter, period.

DM me your address. I’ll send you every piece of junk old hardware I have lying around, so you can preserve it. 

An animator who just graduated from college working on their first movie: “Oh boy! I’m so excited! I can’t wait to see my name in the credits!”

Who are these people that anyone should listen to them?