
Just another halfwitted abject loser who believes money makes the man.

Ah yes, the good ol’ “American dream”, profit by any means necessary through fear mongering and bloodshed and your precious rights and god.

If and when these imbecile’s shitty little brats catch covid and perhaps even die, these same clueless fuckwits will sue the school board et al. Brilliance at its finest right here.

Still waiting for that earth shattering asteroid to wipe us all out. Humans are even more worthless than dog shit on a shoe.

Classy place this America, admired world wide. Shit-hole.

Seems America’s only requirement to become a cop is if one can fasten a velcro shoe all by oneself and thats it! You’re in!

She loves him just for him.

I buy these from an Italian market, theyre called “Smoki”.

Well no shit, look at this guy,  hes a low genetics fucking creep, a caricature artists dream subject, of course he has to pay for sex. Cmon. 

A lot of white people are racist”... sure but tell me, who the fuck ISNT racist to some degree? Raise your hand and Id say you’re full of shit but I digress...just look at this sweet, lovely lady, its clear to me shes been smiling every single wonderful day of her wonderful life. Cant a sweet old lady just get a whop

Keep those laughs coming America.

Uh-Mare-E-Kuhs finest right here.

She looks great IMO. Who gives a single flying shit if the internet says otherwise, Im pretty sure she wont.

This is what happens when they’ve never kissed or touched an actual flesh and blood woman. (Paying for it doesnt count) ;)

WHOA! Hold the bus for a second! YOURE telling me the internet has a misinformation problem? Say it aint so!

When abject retards run the show you get America.

Well it’s a damn good thing these american retards tucker is riling up arent armed to the teeth when going out for milk.... oh wait.

This IS America. What a disgraceful shit-hole.

...and returns to active duty. This worthless piece of shit wasnt upset about her “mistake”, she was upset that she got charged.

The mere fact that Fox news exists is true testament to the stupidity of the entire nation.