Best thing Ive read all day.
Best thing Ive read all day.
What a charming and enchanting place! The Shithole’s largest epicenter is New York... or perhaps its the west coast? Well, whos to say really? Theres just too many to keep track of.
Its all bullshit, follow the money.
Dude, they WERE black AND in possession of ice-cream so....
Man, wheres that multi plane strafing run with napalm when you need one?
Ive said it before and Ill say it again. America=Shithole
America= Shithole.
Shes already won. Nuke yourselves.
Excellent rant! America is a disgusting perpetual shitshow.
Worthless Tub of Shit pig waddles across the street to the next precinct and gets hired on the spot.
Mother: “Hes just a misunderstood young boy your Honor”
Next year will have this mess patched and most if not all dlc free on a trusty steam sale.
Bahahaha! What else is there to say really?
America has blinders welded in place, always has always will. Every heinous act it perpetrates is considered just and righteous under their false white “god”. Accountability is nonexistent.
Participation medal winner, stick another gold star on your name tag.
A damn shame Randy ‘Macho Man’ Savage has passed on, he would’ve swept the polls for potus 47. Jim Jones a close second.
Im betting all of my chips on the former version of events unfolding.
Actions = Consequences = Accountability. Boy, these folks sure have real tough time wrapping their wilted, soggy little brains around this one. Legions of half witted, snail eyed imbeciles as far as the eye can see. Priceless.
Guess you win, youre just too wily and clever for the likes of me.
Yet people are still following his “orders”.