When your brother is your sisters daddy. Yet another shining pinnacle of white genetics. Another “win” for America’s future blood-lines.
When your brother is your sisters daddy. Yet another shining pinnacle of white genetics. Another “win” for America’s future blood-lines.
What you need is anyone’s guess, start with the Velcro shoes.
Stick to wearing velcro shoes man, life will be so much easier for you.
“Situation-ally” ?! ...there is nothing to compare this situation to. This person was in a sea of 15000+ rabid angry delusional retards some of whom wanted to kill him. Please do tell me of one single situation in history where one POC was in a similar situation. It was a powder keg of idiots. Shooting anyone wouldve…
The organic clouds messaged me that hes being pardoned at this very moment.
Its my understanding he has a really talented makeup artist at his immediate beckon call 24/7. Hes actually white.
You, wonder, WHY? Why do you think genius? Ok, put on your critical thinking skills cap here if you can manage to find it. This a tough one, but do your best to put race aside here for a second.
Most of theses white boys will, if at all, be sitting at Boss Hoggs desk eating a American cheese and wonder-bread white sandwich with the crusts cut off, sipping a coke and guffawing over their antics before being quietly ushered out the back door to freedom. You know, appearances and all.
HAHA! On point. Well said!
Majority appear to be whites sure, my post also encompasses the Amerikan psyche as a whole.
And wtf does that have to do with anything? Still an American.
Is there any doubt...
Yeah this game, Im sure its a fun little jaunt at times.
American society breeds people like this. Self entitled, self absorbed, self righteous, pandered to left right and centre immediatley from birth and no matter how ridiculous their demand or want might be, when they dont get their way exactly when they want it, it NEVER fails that a massive red faced snot dripping…
What an enchanting country!
Typical bloated sense of entitlement. Tantrums ensue.
Any restaurant with a deep-fryer and full cream milkshakes. Amerika is starving.
Quick Amerika, give this stupid twat more limelight. Book deal? Film? Her own reality show? Meet the fucking president? Country of mouth-breathing imbeciles.
This silly twat is white? I beg to differ, Id assume she was latino or black, but Ponsetto...Italian
Twitter (et al), run by a bunch of boot-licking, cock-slurping, self-absorbed cowards chasing any and every last single blood soaked dollar. Classic Amerika.