
These particular white people’s gene pool should be eradicated to the last by any means necessary, sooo most of Amerika I guess.

This is akin to pulling the plug on the red button AFTER the fucking nukes are already soaring overhead. What a country of retards.

Bahahaha! What pathetic shithole of a country. I pity those Americans with half a brain who are forcibly subjected to these abject imbecilic, entitled, childlike mouth-breathers. Fire up the wood-chippers, the endlessly raging tire fire that is the USA irrefutably requires a serious purge.

Call the fucking phone. Not who she is? Who she is, is a shitty ignorant self important twat Amerikan racist AND a imbecile.

Such a classy place this Amerika. Nuke yourselves.

He did! He was ultra busy lining his own and his scumbag families pockets off the blood and suffering of the entire US populace. Now that’s dedication you cant buy!

Looks like a nice guy Id want bunking out with my kids, had I any kids for him to bunk with of course.

This spam-oreo burger is childs play. Having lived in China there wasn’t one thing, mystery or otherwise that I put in my mouth that didnt taste absolutely amazing from fancy to dirty street. Well, let me back up a little here, we did go out for a very unexpected “special” dinner with a couple local legit Mafia guys

Word Blaster for the Atari 2600. I love you mum but of all the games, Word Blaster? ...Word Blaster. SMH. Its the thought that counts but it sure didnt feel like it counted when I was 8. ;)

HAHA Amerika! What an absolute joke of a country. Keep that global embarrassment train rolling. Toot Toot! Now pulling into “Shithole” station!

Why isnt Cyberpunk on this list? Bahahahaa

You TALK to these people? Sounds like a “You” problem.

Havent stopped by in quite some time. Nice to see nothing has changed (nor will it ever) in that forever shithole country that is the USA. Bravo losers, bravo. 

Oh America, youre still a shithole.

Holy shit. This is insane. What a shit hole country. 

Jesus, he looks like a gangly powdery specter floating behind the 2 tanned” whores.

shit hole

Either way, WHO gives a shit?

SNL shouldve been cancelled decades ago. 

Nordic heritage...0%. Her uncle or brother is her father... 99%. Odds of having a fulfilling meaningful life... 1%