
I wish there was some sort of public service information campaign to educate people that this is simply not true and that it puts an incredible strain on EMS resources.

Does Russia have a big MLB following?

The Bucs’ coach’s face in the 3rd clip is absolutely perfect.

It’s the motherfucking Space Olympics!

I didn’t know that former USMNTer Jose Torres wears the name “Gringo” on the back of his jersey.

How did he know that I have a corner where I keep random sticks, dowels, poles, pipes, etc.?

Come for the Ronaldinho skills, stay for the Indian guy in an inflatable Hulk suit holding a sign that says “Born to Encourage Sports”


Sounds like you’re jealous of Aron Afflalo

Forget everything else, the first thing that first responders are taught is that your own safety, and the safety of your co-workers comes first. You can watch TV and movies of cops, EMS, firefighters, etc. rushing into deadly scenes, but in the real world you’re turning 3 victims into 4-5-6 victims if you just go head