
I must say, I'm kind of surprised to see that, according to the chart, the 1 year price increase on new activations excludes the iPhone. Can anyone point to the pricing on that for iPhones? Or does a 1 year option not exist for those?

You think YOURS is bad???

Check your Trash/Recycle Bin...outdated .ipa files usually end up there. Then just delete the updated one from your library and device and use the old one instead.

Like many have posted, I too had one in the early 80s. In fact, I had about 300 of them after someone donated a bunch to my mom's place of work. (They couldn't use them because of health codes or something.) That year I was like Q, turning out a neighborhood of little James Bonds.

Yeah, it's pretty sweet, especially while driving. Not that I ever do that. Really.

Quick question: on the older versions, the killer feature for me was that you could open the app and as soon as you held it to your ear, Voice Search was activated. Is that still working in the update? Because while the added bonuses are good, I don't think I could give that up.

The "sliced Diaz's face" link in the fourth paragraph just gives me a screen full of text, no image.

I'll take it off your hands, if you'd like.

I'm old. What's a "beautiful steez?"

Wow, that Gmail description would have been perfect when I started using Gmail. Sadly, it is now several pounds, years, and mingle-ready points out of date.

I can't believe how effing hard I'm laughing at that. Thank you.

I haven't updated yet, so can someone tell me if the Quick Bar is actually shown in those screenshots above? I don't see anything very different from my usual view.

What does it say if my kitchen has the exact same color scheme as a New Zealand prison?

Damn my 1099-MISC!

I once read an interview with an ex-spy who said the only envelopes they couldn't get into were the ones sealed with Scotch tape.

Oh man. I saw a girl using one yesterday, and it had been so long since I'd seen one I thought it was something new for a second.

I've been using "View Image Info (properties)" by ehaagwlke for a couple of weeks, but may have to give this a go as well.

@Snes: That's so...practical. Hopefully she'll never see this.

@TanyaRei: That would be nice, I'll admit. I'd like to do some Lifehacking.

I disagree; I have no star on Lifehacker, and continually find it a problem.