Not an active app yet, actually. At the top of [] it says "Disclaimer: This is a prototype of a future app. Actual train times not pictured." #corrections
Not an active app yet, actually. At the top of [] it says "Disclaimer: This is a prototype of a future app. Actual train times not pictured." #corrections
Been dreaming about this for ages. Actually, I've been complaining about it for ages—that AT&T refuses to provide a data only plan. If this pans out I'll absolutely drop my standard plan.
Now that girl is a baller, son.
You only actually carbonate the water; the syrup is added after the fact and then gently mixed.
Same brand, and like someone else said you control the amount of carbonation—perfect for me since I usually find store-bought soda too fizzy. (My favorite hangover-morning drink was always ice cold, totally flat Dr. Pepper.)
Thankfully the wife just bought a home soda-maker. I'm now drinking Dr. Pete's, and it's pretty damn good (and uses sugar instead of high-fructose corn syrup to boot).
Note: this (for now) is only available for 5.0.1, not 5.0. Supposedly an update is coming soon.
You mean Han Solo played himself and Indiana Jones.
Obviously the ghost of a famous French author.
Well, that explains why she was reading Gandhi.
I hadn't even considered that. Thank you for advancing our science.
As someone who has made the mistake of swimming in the Dead Sea soon after shaving, I can confirm that it is far from dead. It is alive, and IT IS ANGRY.
This is not Instant Personalization. Check out this page on Social Plugins: [] and specifically visit the Privacy section. There you'll see that the answer to the "how do I opt out of this?" question is basically just "don't click anything." In other words, no, it can't be turned off. They do helpfully…
I only use two: AdBlock Plus and Image Properties, and both have worked just fine for ages; this is definitely redesign-related and has been reported by a bunch of commenters, along with similar issues (massive lag, pages freezing, etc). I'm wondering if it's an AdBlock issue, since Giz has seemingly gotten much more…
Two quick questions: 1) Is there a link to the admission that the Google SIM is a phony? Everything I've read still seems uncertain about what they are exactly. And 2) Does anyone know why I can't comment when using Chrome? I can click into the comment box, but it won't let me type anything. If I paste in a comment…
Yep. I was in the middle of writing what would have been a copy of your comment when Giz crashed Chrome on me again. (Writing this in Firefox.)
Also worth mentioning is that he wrote a script in python to do the time lapse image capture. And then he performed his own music for the video! (Not while driving, one presumes.) You can get the script here:
Not sure what your experience was with Tumblr being tough to access, but I'd seriously consider giving it another look. I moved there from Blogger and it's night and day in terms of ease of posting (the Tumblr iPhone app is pretty great, making it easy to upload photos, video, audio, etc) and overall design. There are…
Let's see if I've got this right: