
Mixed emotions: my girlfriend just mentioned how she could use part of her student loan money to buy us both MBPs.

Reminds me of Basquiat, especially with the face-like linear element near the center. I was really surprised, on enlarging it, to see that it wasn't a painting.

Yep, Typophone 4. Just edited the css file in Wordpad to move the text down (you can also do the wallpaper edit here if need be; I think later versions had that change built in), then edited the slider in GIMP to make it transparent. The css file values should look something like this:

I once worked at a business that kept a carafe of water on a hot plate for customers who might want tea. When people weren't looking, we occasionally used it to make hot dogs.

@Amir Oulad: Really depends on what you're having it do...I only use it for my lockscreen theme and it's barely noticeable on the ip4. I could see it being an issue if you're also using it to theme all your icons, your springboard, your UI sounds, etc, but this is pretty light use.

@Rachel Atwood: Now that was a classy reply, and I couldn't agree more.

@mullse01: I definitely felt the pain during the 3G days, but it flies pretty well on the ip4.

For anyone wanting to use the native way of choosing a wallpaper—so you don't have to go in and manually change it in the theme folder every single time—most themes I've used (at least on 4.0.1 and 4.1) could be modded to do so by one of two methods.

That looks like a serious brain twister.

There's a truck stop/diner near here that not only has coin-op hot showers in the bathrooms, but also a coin-op cologne machine.

Doesn't the iPhone camera do something similar? I remember having it always reset the flash to Auto when it was closed out of multitasking—until I set it to never close out by using a jailbreak app (Remove Background.)

I'll tell you exactly what this is great for: identifying character actors. How often have you been watching an episode of some long-running show—say one of the many Law & Order variants—when you spot some actor you just know you know, but can't place.

@Copernileo: Also available on Netflix, ad-free.

I just use USB and iPhone Explorer for transfers, icon swaps, etc. Any huge plus to using OpenSSH?

That's too bad, I've been really impressed with it. Not to be mean there a chance that you're humming off-key?

SoundHound here, since 95 percent of the time I need it is to figure out what song is stuck in my head—the Query by Humming is indispensable.

Suddenly my own midnight to 5 routine of #whitenoise and whiskey seems much less admirable. I will compromise, and add in the luggage strap.

The people who clamor for "truth" in photojournalism would do well to apply their standards to the rest of journalism—print and television journalism are far more likely to be misleading and/or reflect their author's personal views, and far less likely to get noticed doing it. But at some point, we need to accept that