
Plug for another App of The Day post: ToonPaint. Very cool, intuitive app that turns your photos into black and white comic-style drawings that you can then (if you wish) fill in with color.

Apparently I'm not the only one that's been using this for a while (at least since I had my 3G). While the tilt-shift stuff is fun—and it also offers a linear tilt-shift mode along with the radial mentioned in the post, so not every effect is a circular blur—it's also not a bad app to use just for the color,

Norm freaking Abram is on Gizmodo?!? My gadget life has made a complete and beautiful circle. Definitely. Half of us need to go rent these costumes just for this article.

@rafiki6: Maybe you're mixing up "wont" and "won't?"

@rafiki6: What part don't you understand?

I might just be unaware of an abbreviation here, but what are "lot hotspots?"

Ten or twelve years ago I spent a weekend at a convent that specialized in cheese-making. This article is making me reconsider everything.

@freesoapandwater: One nice thing about not having a star anymore is that your comment won't be promoted when I ask: what the hell is wrong with you?

[T]he place is a study in simplicity. Arsham's got a bed with some built-in shelves and a dresser, where he keeps a few clothes...

Hey Jesus, Petchesky from Deadspin is trying to steal your thunder with a cross-post.

Dear Children of Bahrain: sorry about crushing your childhood dreams. We didn't really think that one through.

@snarky30: Best comment/avatar match I've seen all day.

Is there a way to consistently force an auto-correct suggestion? I've noticed I often type "fir" when going for "for," and while it occasionally suggests the correction, it doesn't always—I assume because "fir" is actually a word.

You might also look at Open Notifier for a notifications fix. Extremely customizable since you can download individual notification icons from Cydia.

This stirs up a weird memory.