
@cmdtacos: But it looks nothing like what the article is about...if you want the time spelled out with letters take a look at the Word Clock theme.

@Zak123: You mean this one? It's a nice take on Typophone 4 (I use something similar) but it still uses numerals.

@vinod1978: This cannot be true, can it?

Trapped in a crystal, you say? Uh-oh.

@Gonzie: I used to have a FON router that (sort of) did that. In fact, that's their whole business model, the idea being that people who use the routers at home can hop on other FON routers while out and about.

Makes sense: isn't iOS built with Cocoa?

If only there were someone to lead the investigation. Oh, wait.

@Jerm Deeks: Right? Those hippie Canadians need to learn how to sue.

Hmmm...might want to question the MRI techs.

Also see reply.

I think they can still do better.

I wish they had incorporated a grin into the design.

Kitchens and skateboards, I thought before seeing the video. These guys are good—how many tech accessories do kids AND their moms want?

I need a version of this that features my mom and an iPhone.

I wonder why this couldn't simply be included as part of the Google Mobile app? I'm getting to the point of icon overload on my iPhone, so anything new has to be something really special.

Why do I always picture Kuato?