
@Paradise: I'd assume untethered JBs are simply getting more difficult with each iteration of iOS, and my feeling (haven't checked the timeline) is that the releases lately have been closer together, so more secure+more frequently updated=harder to break.

@ModernBawhair: Don't feel bad, I just upgraded to 4.1 and rejailbroke a couple of days ago.

@Helvetica: Double agree. Just installed a browser with those yesterday and already can't imagine using one without them.

@applefandan: Exactly my thought—basically this case covering up some of the gel joysticks covered recently. When the gaming is done, just flip the phone over and use normally.

@Lokno: you forgot to add in the mobile wifi hotspot that iPod Touch will need.

The best I could do at his age was to take advantage of our high school's new payphone:

Now playing

With the Beethoven article, this makes two Clockwork references today.

Now playing

Why? Because otherwise there would have been ultraviolence.

I'm disappointed. I was sure this was going to be some sort of passcode-locked chastity belt.

Call me old-fashioned, but I still don't entirely trust my info with businesses that use an @gmail address. I mean, at least use Google Apps and hide it behind your domain name.

@NuevoLeon: That's what I thought—man, I can imagine a LOT of surprised and dissatisfied people discovering that after buying their unicorn phone.

Dumb question that I'm sure has been covered elsewhere: will a Verizon iPhone be able to do calls and data at the same time?

It all makes sense when you see a picture of the original owner.

One question: can you still use your thumb to smear the resulting prints?

@Lexyl: Yeah, dealers need to get with the program.

Damn, this is twice in a row I went to tip an article from TiPB and found Casey writing an article. This time I didn't even get the email off in time.

I thought he looked familiar.

Most reviews are giving it high marks.