
"But he's not an astronomer and he doesn't even have a telescope."

@jmeltzer: Between that and your avatar, you're really covering the fan base.

So basically:

@WDubois: It's kind of old news for iPhone users as well, but Skype is still the big name. Did Android get the update too?

@Habs: Facetime over 3G was clocked at about 3MB/min, so I'd guess considerably less than that. I think Fring was somewhere around 1MB/min.

These things always hit the moment I disconnect from iTunes. Damn my obsessive syncing disorder!

Best of all: the f-stop acts as a filter for songs with explicit content.

You might want to wait on getting that iPad version. Like say until the iPad gets a camera.

There is going to be some kinky stuff going on with these, I'm afraid.

That is incredibly scary—and exactly the kind of scene I would have scoffed at if I saw it in a thriller just a year or two ago.

So can we expect Air Supply reissues to look like sliced provolone?

@fastactingrelief: I bow before your greater wit, and harbor no jealousy—indeed, you must let me buy you a glass of port, good fellow.

I don't know much about this designer, but I do like the cut of his jib.

I'm surprised Textie didn't make the cut—I had a great experience with it based on Giz's glowing review.

@richietj77: My thought exactly. Those two could have a great Halloween down at the lab.

Someone is going to have to explain the one on the left to me. I get it from a patriotism angle, but as a photo I think almost all the others had it beat, and easily.

These things are going to be a bitch to stamp.

Surely any cosmic bathroom reading should be about Uranus?