
Bicycling and coffee: The day I find a civil, well-reasoned online discussion about either of them is the day I stop using the internet.

It's got nothing on Sol Lewitt and his Blue Wall of Death.

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This would make a great double feature with one of RJ's earlier works, namely Super Hornio Bros.

That guy is a friggin' national treasure. I love it.

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By the way, there is footage from the crash on YouTube.

It's kind of crazy how similar a lot of Brooklyn still looks today (I used to live near the crash site about 10 years ago). Makes the photos that much more powerful.

These names remind me of Ye Olden Times.

I was kind of surprised to hear how much trouble people have with these things; I've had one for ages and never had an issue.

Street Fighter, especially, really seemed to bring people together.

I still mark that as the day I stopped being a kid.

As a fan of the books, I need to know: Can I rewind and choose a different path if I end up in some terrible death?

@xaronax: Agreed. Sounds like you might share my pellet stove like mine. It's like the Sahara in here.

Nice. That is seamless enough that I stared for a second trying to figure out where my iPhone would go.

The problem here is that most people who would use this will have trouble figuring out where to drill the hole in the box.