
BadgerMatt is obviously David Mamet in real life.

In other words: Hide ya kids, hide ya wife....and hideyahusbincuztheyReapin' airbuddy outhea.

@AngryBeaver: Someone needs to alert

@ScaryMerry: I expected that, but what really surprised me was the bisecting of the US. I wouldn't have thought it would be that weighted toward the east.

I'm always glad, somehow, to see these. For a little while everything seems much smaller, as though we could all see each other at once, and say hello.

What about the real mystery here? Namely, where are her eyebrows?

@UgoBogdan: Oh God, I know that fax—we received the same one ad nauseum. I never came up with anything beyond faxing it back, but this...this is beautiful.

I guess the old saying is true: Hef really is "in like Flynn."

It's already got me beat. Maybe I can get it to take up smoking?

Oddjob would be jealous.

Practical Joke Idea for Astronauts: Find another astronaut who isn't familiar with the "float back in an hour" idea, "accidentally" undo his tether. Slowly waving goodbye is also an option.

Whatever the real cost is, we should remember that it's also offset by the fact they no longer need to heat their house in December.

Frankly, I don't see how it could have been built without them.

@QLAB: Exactly. For someone like my mom, I'd much rather see her security handled by others.

@boslok: I definitely get the security aspect of it, but I think many of the average users don't think about it at all. Look at the prevalence of PWs like 12345, letmein, and so on. My point is that those people are already largely living online already—someone like my mom, for instance, uses her computer for email,

The more I think about this, the less I think that the success or failure of cloud computing is tied to Chrome OS, and that it depends more on what Google has already done.

@YourFriendBen: Also, the baseband thing is only relevant for unlockers—you can still JB and restore and JB again without using that particular baseband hack.

"Grounded," you say? Better lock the door to the stairs.