Brown Rose

I know all of that. I am merely amplifying Michael’s point that they are lucky Black people don’t rise up and kill as they have feared for centuries that we would. 

Ive said something similar through the years. That black people have never truly collective rose up to arms even as they continue to belittle us and call as violent subhumans. White people of course have done it numerous times across eras and continents. They dub it History and crow about being the superior race.

It doesnt matter what Michelle Obama says or what she does. She can be freakishly eloquent and gracious while carrying herself with admirable comportment. She is is one of our best yet whites and nonblack people like Trump find someway to denigrate and belittle. You have people that are still calling her a man, which

This is shocking to no one Black (except Kayne adjacent) that he was and has always been an abject racist with a particular loathing of Black people. Won’t make a bit of difference. There could be video evidence of that thing in the office saying the n word, his base will just shrug and wait for their next tax cut.

If it was a white or asian doctor they would have never second guess. But even as a black woman you are respectable and have a lauded profession your existence is still questioned. And seen as less than anyone else.

When did anyone think that social media cared about Black women. We are usually targets for derision or worse. 

They don’t care . They will continue to vote for people like this. This has been going on for over 50 years. Nothing will really change unless there is an alien invasion or the sun dies.

Ultimately simply breathing while Black. It will never ever end. 

Iam sure if the roles were reversed (especially if the victim was a white woman), the black woman would have been reprimanded by the flight crew and passengers, manhandled, and kicked off the flight. As Ive said before anti-blackness is global and many non blacks cant summon anything other than antipathy when it comes

More care and consideration was given to Dylan Roof, who murdered 9 people, by the cops and the public than a supposed unruly Black girl. Black girls are not seen as children/teens and Black women are not seen as even remotely human.

Yep. Indeed.

Black people simply cannot be human. They dont like having us exist on the same planet as them. Perhaps when they have perfected the tech, they will get their wish and erase black people from existence.

NNot surprising. Iam sure there are a lot of white and nonblacks that talk about black people that way. I wonder if he skates.

This is so disgusting this makes my gut hurt and want to spit fire. This is emblematic of how white people and especially white men really see black girls and women.

There is such a thing as Asian privilege. If the roles were reversed a Black women would have been hauled off in handcuffs and cooling off in jail. 

The old Ambien/mental illness/alcohol/illicit drug defense.

I‘ve met some horrible Doctors. I remember a few who were probably borderline psychopaths. I see doctors like Mechanics. They are for the most part Biomechanics with a license to prescribe drugs.

*nods* Minimizes further dehumanization as a loc wearer too.


Same. Early. And through the Pre check line.