
I’m 30 and you know what I call my friends who lived with their parents for years on end after college? Homeowners. It’s financially irresponsible to pay rent every month if you don’t have to.

My Big Fat Greek Wedding isn’t a movie. It’s a documentary. About my life. I haven’t found my xeno with a big, long, hair on top of his head.... yet.... but I’d like to know what my future is going to look like.

I think people mistakenly conflate living in the family home as being dependent. It make no sense to me to struggle to pay high rent w/ potentially lousy roommates & little to no savings.

Just about everyone I know (I’m 27) did a stint with their parents that lasted anywhere from 6 months to going on 5 years now after college.

This doesn’t surprise me. And it’s only gonna get worse. If you’ll all allow me to use the economics degree that has not landed me a high paying job and bore you a little: pre-1980 and Reagan, there were massive taxes on the rich that allowed us to have a functioning Federal government (thanks to the great FDR, my fav

Because of job loss in an extreme depressed rural economy, the husband and I were forced to move back in with family after eviction. Only thing - he has to live with his parents, and I have to live with mine. His parents refused to take me in because I’d raise their water bill too much; my parents will let my husband

Worth it for more of this....

Kate Winslet is insufferable and Titanic was a shitty movie and so was Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind.

I don’t know for sure, but I think she was talking about a movie where a vehicle had to maintain a certain speed. If it didn’t keep up that speed, the vehicle would explode. So the speed of the vehicle was the important plot point. I believe it was called “The Bus That Couldn’t Slow Down.”

Ah, okay, I get it.

my large baby bump is due to wine. sometimes in the mirror i really stick it all the way out and arch my back so it looks even more enormous and i pat my belly and pretend to be pregnant.

Although I think it’s awfully funny how people here act like Gwen is bell hooks and Gavin is Susan Sontag or something and that Blake is such a step down. They’re all a bunch of music stars, they probably talk about their money and their careers and their famous friends.

Divorce is so middle class and nouveau riche.

I really don’t come from a culture of divorce at all

If my step-mother called me a “bonus child,” I would actually kill her with my eyes.

What the fuck is the culture of divorce?

I’ve always loved this photo.

But you guys, what if bonus child is her pet name for Tom?!?!?

Right! Like, I’m not saying he should leave his pregnant girlfriend for me but, he should leave his pregnant girlfriend for me.

Bahahahaha! I actually went on a date a long ass time ago with a dude who wore a fedora. He was whining about something and I jokingly said “oh you poor white male,” and he like freaked out and went on a tangent on how false rape allegations ruin dude’s lives.