Why are you even trying to love her?
Replace the name Azalia whatshername for Justin Beiber and this would have been a very different article. Fuck Azeilaea, she’s a fucking asshole.
COME ON, Azealia. You make it so hard for me to love you sometimes.
Azealia started posting about how much she loves the whitening treatment Whitenicious saying it’s magic and it tingles. Officially done with this chick.
Shes a celebrity?
She tweeted out that she supported Donald Trump’s “immigration policy”...’nuff said.
In what world is Azealia a “Hollywood superstar”?
But don’t you actually have to be a Hollywood superstar to get the Hollywood superstar treatment?
“There’s security footage of the incident, but—I’m sorry—no Azealia Banks video will ever be as good as “212.””
Why do I cringe every time I see white people doing anything started on vine by a bunch of black kids?
Blake Shelton has no time for games,
Jon Hamm and Jennifer Westfeldt were one of those couples i really liked even though I spent years lusting after the Hamm’s man meat. I was sad to hear that they broke up but they don’t strike me as the kind of people who would hate each other after a break up, and i hate to see articles like this because it just…
Horrible coworkers clearly bullying a person with food allergies by eating all their birthday ice cream. Come on.
I realise that because this BCO is about nice customers, the pickings are likely to be pretty slim, but humanity & the Internet being what it is, I’m betting that someone will figure out a way to shit on the server, somehow. The upside is that - unlike last Monday - the ‘winner’ is unlikely to comment within a couple…