
Not sure there is much else to say really.

I'm guessing you haven't spent much time around college sorority girls in the South?

Yeah, but Republicans do drugs too.

Does anyone remember 'Clarissa explains it all'? I couldn't care less about Sabrina, but Clarissa was awesome.

Here's the secret.

For some reason it kind of hurts my feelings that you referred to the Great and Powerful Bryan Cranston as "main dude from Breaking Bad." But yes, extremely healthy hairline for a man well into middle age and whom we're accustomed to seeing bald, no?

Ooo OOO can I join?

Just because.

It's fine about the shouting. I've been busy BURNING THE WORLD DOWN.

Not surprised. Many conservative groups seem to strive for the most juvenile arguments ever. It usually goes like this:

From personal experience, you can't really get addicted to "molly" (or mdma, as normal people that are not Madonna would call it). It has its moments, but usually people outgrow it. The hype is too high and the comedowns are unbearable.

While I appreciate the sentiment, I don't necessarily understand how gun control will cut down on instances where criminals or otherwise non-law-abiding citizens are able to acquire guns to carry out these heinous acts. People are still going to acquire guns, whether it's legal or not. If someone has the wherewithall

Here's one that I saved from last year because it looked like teddy bears with giant tits:

It's the Aragorn vibe. Some like it, some don't, and never the twain shall meet.

Pretty sure Jaden and Biebs are in a competition to see who can appear to give the least fucks in every fucking photograph taken of them. Both are failing. Hard. I hate, hate, loathe with all my being, that face they make. You've had the fucking world handed to you, children. Which is fine, but comport yourself with

BS. one can be perfectly healthy and have blotchy skin and wear a 14. as a matter of fact, one is most likely MUCH HEALTHIER in that state than an anorexic cotton-ball-eating model who is herself a victim of an industry ran by gay men who hate boobs. can somebody just be honest about this? as a notorious fag hag,

The next day, Annie Liebovitz sent Mia Farrow a bill for $30K for her professional services.

Meh, I'll forgive her. She is Mia Farrow.

Ummm, no. Black people don't have the patent on being oppressed by The Man. If you think that: learn your history. Chinese Exclusion act. Orientalism. Internment camps and the treatment of Japanese Americans in WWII. Vincent Chen. Open your eyes and look the fuck around you and quit playing those damn