
Did the Masters ditch the green jacket for a letter sweater?

It wasn’t his fault. He later tweeted, “Oops! Damned Belichick!”

These situations are exactly the reason this language exists.

You’re doing the same thing as when a republican remarks on the intolerant left. We are cussing this lady out because the did something cussworthy...Not “just because she is a woman”.

This is a beta-test for Ivanka’s national child-care program

Fuck all of you Social Justice Warriors. Tarzan was about a white man who is raised by apes.

Yeah, you’re probably right. This is ripe for whitewashing.

Just more proof that animals are better people than humans.

Sounds like someone wants to get the scores of the games!

NCAA: “There are 380,000 NCAA student-athletes, and most of them will go pro in something other than sports. We’ll be the only pimp, thank you very much”

Apparently nine dead.

Disagree. The entire Obama administration was an exercise/experiment in taking the high road by having patience with these idiots and treating them like adults. Rather than rising to the occasion, the result was them becoming even more emboldened and feeling safer in their own idiocy.

Wanna know the crazy thing? I would bet a thousand of someone else’s dollars that this lady will still vote Republican in the next election..

It’s like when conservatives are against safety net programs until they need them. “But I just wanted *those people* to suffer. I still wanted to be able to get unemployment for myself when the factory closed.”

Standard reply to Trump supporter when they find out that they too are subject to fuckery:

“I was fine with bad things happening to other people but I didn’t think they’d happen to ME!”

She is this sheep.

That’s why it’s not called the teethbrush.

I just assumed the C-word meant cuckold, given that they’re paying players to perform for other teams.