And everyone was able to log off the Internet early that day, for victory had come much sooner than usual.
Dime Bags Two For One
Being forced to watch the White House orientation video must have been tough for him, since it doesn’t mention him. The part about sexual harassment in the workplace must have been uncomfortable.
And Beukeboom goes the dynamite.
Cool to see Rangers fans leetching themselves to the Oakley situation
This comment really hits the Mark.
Man, now chants at a Rangers game. This is getting Messier and Messier.
Here is a sImple test:
I bet if there were some students starting a Muslim group their sincerely held religious beliefs wouldn’t mean shit.
Given the myriad of laws Republicans are trying to pass banning certain freedoms, how about this scenario:
I want to take this same logic and apply it mundane shit.
I’ve always wondered why it matters if the beliefs are held “sincerely.” Like that somehow absolves what still amounts to hateful bigotry.
Spelling “kooky” with a C is the real crime here.
Translation: None of those hippy chicks would sleep with him so they must not have been sleeping with anybody.
When I was 19 years of age, the sexual proclivities of young people wasn’t anything, anything like I see today.
Somewhere Rob Deer is pondering why the Brewers let him walk. Just kidding, Rob Deer never knew what a walk was.
At least he didn’t blow a 25 point lead...I’ll show myself out
Irregardless, Boston sucks.
Because it’s hard to see into those squinty ass eyes and see that there’s no soul inside there.