
“had hoped and prayed that the NFL would outlaw these disgraceful protests.”

No he’s not, he’s specifically asking for the players be forced to stand.


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I ran around my apartment like a man with his hair on fire and no one to hug.


Outstanding piece of writing and history.

And she knew your mom and would call the house directly if she thought she needed to because she had your older sister who was nothing but an angel but then she saw your clown ass coming a mile away.

Aren’t they delivered with the morning newspaper?

“I didn’t really come to the major leagues because I wanted to come,” he explained. “It’s more accurate to say I came because I was in a situation where I had to come.”

And you wonder why sometimes black NFL players make allusions to slavery when it comes to doing business with the all-white NFL owners.

Ethiopia and Cyrenaica anyone?

As soon as I saw he was responding to McArdle I sighed knowing that she had penned yet another — women/minorities/poor folks — really need to stop complaining because it’s — rape/harrassment/racial agression/can’t afford to see the fucking doctor — not that bad. She’s got pink Himalayan sea salt remember and lumping

One reason for the price hikes could be the fact that forest maintenance has taken a back seat when it comes to fighting wildfires and it’s getting worse. The Department of Agriculture which oversees the national forests is now spending about 62% of its funding for national parks on fire suppression with the rest left

Problematic white people aren’t too sensitive to truly recognize the complex nature of injustice, they’re just too lazy

I thought the same thing, when the fuck did Pep become an NBA coach?

Your grandparents are deeply shitty people because they have no problem proudly and openly supporting a vile racist piece of shit. Fuck your grandparents, the fucking assholes.

The analogy is spot on; the person who is second should not expect to get the same applause as the person who was brave enough to go first.