
And tens of thousands of victims will still be assaulted and no assailant will ever be held accountable. Which cohort of victims do you think is going to orders of magnitude larger in number?

Isn’t Bora Milutinovic available?

Doc Rivers had a great comment about Teodosic the other day when he said the big problem with his passing is that now all the other players want to pass the way he does and none of them are remotely good enough.

Just don’t be a non-believer, boy or girl those dirty fucking atheists are still banned.

You should produce a newsletter. I would subscribe.

Fuck you, you simple bitch. The GOP gamed the fucking system, I don’t give a fuck if a bunch of deeply stupid rural fucks vote or not or if they take even a second to learn about the “issues,” I don’t want or need their votes. The fucking GOP prevented as many as two and a half million registered voters from casting a

Fuck you, I’m not insterested in conversations while the GOP fucks over this country. I’m not interested in listening to the fucking racists who support Trump and I am not interested in shitbags like you trying to normalize the situation.

Fuck you, the GOP has written off more than half the country and they’ve done it through the use of state sponsored violence, denying millions of the right to vote, creating extraordinarily race-based congressional district maps and generally fucking over any person who isn’t white and who doesn’t pay lip service to

Go suck a dick, ya fucking traitor.

If you voted for Trumop you sure as shit are an enemy of this country. You’re also a fucking traitor.

It’s obvious you have no clue as to the history of dreadlocks because it’s a hair style that has been found across the globe in a wide variety of Eastern and Western cultures and it sure as shit wasn’t invented by Rastas. Hell, the fucking bible mentions the seven locks of Samson and the Norsemen and Celts were both

Those never get old. Simply brilliant.

Wait, you don’t boil your hocks before you add the greens? I’m as white as your paper towels and even I know how to make a delicious stock for the greens.

I actually stopped reading the two dozen or so news-related blogs and websites that are a part of my daily media feed. From March through about 10 days ago I just focused on other things particularly Liverpool, my kindle reading list, some sports (except the Phils who lost me again in late May) and a lot of history

We have ther dipshits pushing for the “State of Jefferson” here in the north woods of California and Southern Oregon. The brightest of the bright indeed.

Tirico sounds like he has a lump of gravy stuck in his throat and anytime his voice rises a tone he sounds like a man having a heart attack. He’s fucking horrible.

Yeah, the fella (white dude) building the fence next door stopped by the window to talk about racial issues with me (a white dude) and was quickly into “we’ll have to agree to disagree” when I pointed out the hundreds of thousands of black men and women who served in WW1, WW2 and Korea came home to a country that

I thought he rode the white pony?