
Vice President Pence don’t you have more constructive uses for your time rather then commenting on blogs?

Don’t fucking pretend you weren’t talking about Democrats. If you are so fucking concerned with shitty people doing shitty things go tell them what they need to do and stop telling us we have to do something for them.

Who is this “we” you are talking about? They made their choices and they can live with the consequences. All this bullshit about hos “Democrats need to reach out to these people” fuck you. They don’t want to support Democrats or Democratic policies they want to fuck over brown people. Democrats need to focus on the

Change immigration to health care, unemployment, civil rights for lgbtq, clean water and air, drug rehab and a thousand other policies that Democrats champion and are skewered for but which Republican immediately miss when the politicians they support enact the shitty policies rightwingers think will only be applied

Who coulda knowed?

Trust Google, I am repeating what I think I heard on Mike and Mike while I was brushing my teeth at 4:15 this morning.

Kershaw is getting $33 million this season, just below the entire Padres roster.

Black America is neither African nor European. Created out of a strange combination of necessity, inequality and ingenuity, it has its own distinct identity and origin story. Point Comfort is black America’s Plymouth Rock, and it landed on us a full year before the Pilgrims landed on the Wampanoag Nation.

it was created in a cauldron in a warlock’s coven.

Unbeaten since October and they have rocketed up the standings from 6th to ... umm ... 6th!!!


“He pauses. Stares at me with his dark brown eyes. I stare back. Like two boxers at the stare-down before the first round.

Yes you will, because you’re fucking stupid.

You can always tell when the truly stupid motherfucker stands up because they get indignant and still have no clue what the discussion is about. You have no fucking clue what you are talking about and the people “who hate liberals” are nearly universally as fucking stupid and willfully ignorant as you are.

Oh no, not another purity pony leaving the Democratic party because a process vote didn’t go their way! Say it aint so! You’re not really leaving are you, I mean, Sanders supporters (he’s never been a fucking Democrat) are so well versed in parliamentary procedure regarding things like caucuses and now they have had

She asked for it, asked for it all. Fuck her.

It’s not about smarts, it’s about calling out fuckwits like you. You wrote a paragraph of deeply stupid nonsense and that means you get mocked and ridiculed for being yet another humorless fucking dipshit who whines about “liberals”.

But there are personal fouls and running full speed and knocking a player over is considered a personal foul in any other situation.

Yes, yes it would have, smartass, because then it would have been a learning environment and a teaching moment, very literary and high school appropriate, like Catcher in the Rye