
I’m sorry, but your claim that only “a small minority of Southerners owned slaves” is ashitorical nonsense. It’s estimated that as many of 40% of residents in southern states owned at least one slave and it was a pervasive and widespread practice. The South was literally built on slave labor and that meant that even

That’s the takeaway I got from the color guys. Davies was left out to dry being forced to regularly deal with Mane on his own. It didn’t work.

Oh sweet Jesus spanking Mary Magdelene’s ass while Saul of Tarsus strums his fucking guitar, who let the fucking libertarian dipshit in?

Wha? Getthefuckouddahere, really?

Haven’t you heard? Girls youth soccer is far more dangerous than football, they have more knee injuries and concussions and they bleed everywhere all the time from their wherevers! (Sorry, got a quick case of Trumpitis there for a sec)

Maybe that comment should have been aborted before you hit publish.

About 15 years ago Plaschke wrote about gays in baseball and said it would be the last sport in which an openly gay man was welcomed. His argument was centered around the fact that baseball was filled with a bunch of guys who never had any sort of education beyond high school and it showed in a lack of knowledge and

And didn’t miss the chance to smear on a good heaping dollop of “the elderly, won’t someone think of them?” to boot.

I think it means you are “on fleek.”

Now playing

And from the other side of the ball you get Brian Westbrook.

It’s tradition.

Yeah, the real takeaway from this story is the Woodsy the Owl bit about not littering. Instead of writng barely comprehensible screeds in comment sections why don’t you get your fat ass off the couch and go pick up the litter?

He also went to Delaware (transferred from Pitt) and wasn’t considered a sure thing so it helped him get seen by scouts and coaches who don’t watch I-AA

Or maybe you’re just full of shit.

Heard on LeBatard’s show a few months ago -- Jim Timsula is the first guy your mom dates after getting back into the dating scene following the divorce.

Now playing

It’s ... it’s ... it’s really disconcerting because I was immediately reminded of a wonderful band I stumbled on to while watching a tiny desk concert

Now playing

What? Bo doesn’t know hockey? He had a skate out with the Habs for chrissakes!

Well, considering they can’t close enough to him to stab them with their steely knives they instead changed his wikipedia page to read:

This picture was taken in Spanos’s office soon after the announcement was made.

The Rams have 48 years of history with LA, the Raiders ares till by far the most popular team in the city and the Chargers will also be far less popular than USC and UCLA.