What’s “wrong” with them? Are you Japanese? What gives you, as an outsider, a right to judge? Be careful how you answer here, and remember that you carry with you 400 years of Western Imperialism.
What’s “wrong” with them? Are you Japanese? What gives you, as an outsider, a right to judge? Be careful how you answer here, and remember that you carry with you 400 years of Western Imperialism.
When will YOU ever learn that Japanese companies don’t give a flying fat rat’s ass about delicate Western sensibilities and the western Puritanism Push?
Well, she’s prettier now and her breasts are bigger. I’m a fan of both changes. I’m aware this paints me as a misogynistic pariah in the eyes of some, but I’m not interested in living in any kind of reality those ‘some’ want to force on people. Life’s too short.
Wow! What a drastic change. Still looks different from original Cammy (fitting with other characters like Ken), but definitely looks better than what they originally showed.
The new design does look better, but nice to see everyone rushing to find ways to get offended by something so stupid and irrelevant yet again.
Lol @ all the comments basically saying that because the japanese don’t like it that way that it’s automatically because something masturbatory or kiddy interest related..
Right because the japanese didn’t like the look of a character in a japanese game, it must mean they jack off over the charcters right.
When will they learn what?
That guys like boobs? Think they got that lesson.
The only people who complain about this are feminists. I mean, as a Christian I don’t really care for it because, morals and modesty, but I also have a lot of other more important things to worry about besides video game boobs.
Also, isn’t this…
Thank you for so succintly summing up the Internet with your comment.
“I don’t like it, so no one should like it. - Learn my way! The correct way!”
The “before” pictures above are from SF4, and therefore her breast size looks smaller. If you google “SF5 cammy” you can clearly see that her breast size has not been increased at all.
Learn what? That Japanese cultural astetics should conform to those of some foreigner? Why?
I didn’t really have any issue with the design but I do like this a lot better. Cammy is my favorite character after all.
Hey! I spy a very helpful and insightful comment leading this conversation off to a greaaaatttt start!